Guest Blogging in 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide with 10+ Must-Know Writing Tips


Guest blogging may sound like crashing someone else’s party, but in today’s digital world, it’s the ultimate VIP pass to get your content seen by a wider audience.

It’s like sneaking into a fancy event with a borrowed tuxedo and making all the right connections. And just like that, you can turn your obscure blog into the talk of the town.

However, before you grab your metaphorical tux and crash some online parties, read more in this guide so you know how to do it right!

Guest blogging has been a popular marketing strategy for years, but as we step into 2023, the game has changed. With ever-evolving search engine algorithms, shifting content trends, and new blogging platforms emerging every day, the old tactics won’t cut it anymore.

To succeed in the guest blogging landscape of 2024 and beyond, you need a solid strategy, a deep understanding of your target audience, and top-notch writing skills. That’s where this step-by-step guide comes in.

In this article, we’ll take you through a comprehensive guide to guest blogging in 2024, packed with 10+ must-know writing tips that will help you create exceptional content, get published on top blogs, and drive traffic to your website.

So, are you ready to take your guest blogging game to the next level? Let’s dive in.

Focusing on the Positive: Exploring the Benefits of Guest Blogging

Looking to enhance your online presence and attract a wider audience? Guest blogging can help you achieve just that.

Through guest blogging, you can increase your visibility, reach new audiences, and establish yourself as an authority in your industry. Let us delve into the 10 benefits of guest blogging.

  • Increase Your Reach – Posting on other sites will expand your audience and increase exposure to your content.
  • Drive High-Quality Referral Traffic – New readers who discover your content through guest blogging may click through to your site to explore your other content and offerings.
  • Boost your email list – Guest blogging attracts new subscribers and enhances lead generation.
  • Boost Your Earnings – Increased Website Traffic through Guest Posting Can Translate to Higher Sales and Revenue.
  • Establish Credibility – Publishing your content on trusted, high-authority sites can help establish your credibility and reputation, as some of that trust rubs off on you.
  • Establish your Expertise – By posting high-quality content on external sites, you can position yourself as an authority and earn recognition from your audience.
  • Get Quality Backlinks (Inbound Links) – Add backlinks or inbound links to your site in both the author bio and content, thereby increasing the number of links pointing to your site.
  • Boost your Website Authority – Earning links from reputable and high-quality sites through guest posting can enhance the authority of your website and boost its ranking in search engine results pages.
  • Shine your Social Media Light – By creating valuable guest posts and having them shared by readers, you can increase your social media presence and receive mentions and tags that help to promote your brand and expand your reach on various platforms.
  • Build/Foster Relationships – By collaborating with blog owners and editors through guest posting, you can establish valuable relationships that have the potential to last long-term and lead to beneficial partnerships in the future.

BONUS TIP: As you get published on top sites through guest posting, your confidence in your writing skills and subject knowledge is likely to grow. This is just one of the many benefits of guest posting and can have a positive impact on your personal and professional growth as a writer and thought leader.

Shifting the Focus: A Closer Look at the Pitfalls of Guest Blogging

Before we dive into the step-by-step guide, here is a small history lesson about a time when guest blogging almost got obsolete as a marketing tool.

Yes, there are many benefits to be derived from guest blogging, but in the past, people abused the process, and this led to some very negative effects.

In May 2017, Google issued a warning about the dangers of low-quality and spammy approaches to guest blogging.

To ensure that your guest posts are in line with Google’s best practices, it’s important to take note of some key characteristics, such as avoiding excessive use of keywords, ensuring unique content written by an expert in the field, staying away from thin content placement, and limiting the volume of followed links.

Following these guidelines will not only help to ensure that your content is well-received by search engines and readers alike but also protect you from potential penalties that could harm your brand’s online reputation.

The impact of Google’s warning was twofold:

  • First, people began to spend less time creating content for placement on external websites.
  • Second, website owners started to remove “write for us” sections which made it harder for guest contributors to easily submit content. Many even started to add new contributors only by invitation.

By taking a more strategic and professional approach to guest blogging in 2023 and beyond, you can stand out in a crowded digital landscape and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

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Riding the Wave: Embracing Guest Blogging in 2024 and Beyond

When it comes to using guest blogging as a means to grow your business, there are some critical do’s and don’ts that you must consider. Ignoring them could lead to negative consequences, such as being penalized by search engines.

Therefore, it’s crucial to be aware of what to avoid and what to focus on when guest blogging to ensure the best outcomes for your business.

Here are the Do’s and Don’ts of guest blogging you should bear in mind:


  • Take time to read the EXISTING content of your target blog

To increase your chances of having your guest post published on a blog, it’s essential to read several posts from the blog before submitting your piece. This approach allows you to familiarize yourself with the blog’s writing style, tone, and target audience, ensuring that your post is a good fit for the site.

As you read the blog’s previous posts, pay attention to key elements such as word count, reading level, and voice. These factors can vary widely from blog to blog, so it’s important to tailor your writing to match the style of the blog you’re submitting to.

For example, if the blog typically publishes beginner-level content, make sure your post is written in an accessible and easy-to-understand way. Conversely, if the blog caters to advanced readers, you may need to use more specialized terminology and in-depth analysis.

If the blog has guest posting guidelines, it’s crucial to read and follow them carefully. These guidelines can provide specific instructions on formatting, tone, and content, helping you craft a post that meets the blog’s criteria and expectations.

Reading several posts from the blog, paying attention to elements such as word count, reading level, and voice, and following guest posting guidelines (if available) are all key strategies for increasing your chances of having your post published on a blog.

By tailoring your post to the blog’s style and audience, you can create a piece that resonates with readers and adds value to the blog, while also boosting your online presence and authority.

  • Take time to establish a relationship with the blog owners or editors

Establishing a relationship with editors before pitching a guest post is a wise strategy to increase your chances of success. While it’s not always necessary, building a rapport with the editors of a more exclusive blog can improve your likelihood of getting your post published.

To start building a relationship, consider engaging with the blog in different ways. You could begin by commenting on posts, sharing posts on social media, or linking to the blog from your own site.

These actions can help you establish a connection with the blog’s editors and show that you’re interested in the blog’s content and mission.

Another effective way to establish a relationship with the editors is through social media, particularly Twitter. You can follow the editors and writers on Twitter and engage with them by commenting on their tweets, retweeting their posts, or sharing relevant content with them.

By doing so, you can create a relationship with the editors and build a level of familiarity that can be beneficial when pitching your guest post.

Establishing a relationship with editors before pitching your guest post can improve your chances of success, particularly if you’re targeting more exclusive blogs.

Engaging with the blog through commenting, sharing, and social media can help you establish a connection with the editors and build familiarity, ultimately increasing your chances of getting your post published.

  • Take time to craft engaging, catchy titles for your proposed guest blog

At times, the guest post submissions we receive do not meet the expectations set by their respective titles.

To illustrate, a post titled “How Much Time Should You Invest in Keyword Research Per Week?” that instead delves into the topic of local keyword research is an unacceptable submission, despite such an occurrence.

Based on experience, an effective title that clearly conveys the post’s contents, accompanied by strategically placed subheadings, can improve the post’s quality by up to 50%, even without changing its content.

Ensuring that readers do not finish reading the post with a sense of uncertainty about the topic it addressed is of utmost importance.

Keep that in mind!

  • Take time to craft a pitch around a topic that you are an expert in

When it comes to submitting guest posts to blogs, it’s best to stick to areas where you already have some expertise.

Trust me, editors can tell if a post was hastily researched from a mile away! If you’re not familiar with the topic the blog covers, you might end up writing one of those “Posts That Have Been Written About More Than a Gazillion Times” and we don’t want that.

However, if you’re looking to broaden your horizons and build links outside your wheelhouse, don’t fret! There’s still a way to make it relevant.

Here’s an example: Let’s say you work at a law firm and you want to submit a guest post to an internet marketing blog. You could write about common legal mistakes bloggers make or five ways lawyers can generate leads. It’s all about finding that common ground and bringing your expertise to the table.

  • Take the time to research several ideas for your guest post

Taking the time to research ideas for a guest post is essential for several reasons.

Firstly, it helps to ensure that the post is relevant and engaging to the blog’s target audience. When you have a clear understanding of the blog’s niche and the interests of its readers, you can develop ideas that are more likely to capture their attention and provide them with valuable insights and information.

Secondly, thorough research allows you to develop original ideas that are not already covered on the blog. By exploring the blog’s archives and identifying any gaps or topics that have not been covered, you can create content that is unique and fresh, making it more likely to be accepted by the editor.

Thirdly, research helps to ensure that the post is accurate and informative. By gathering and analyzing data, reading articles, and other relevant resources, you can develop a post that is well-researched and provides the reader with useful information.

This not only helps to establish your credibility as an expert in your field but also ensures that the post adds value to the blog and its readers.

Taking the time to research several ideas for your guest post is crucial for creating content that is engaging, original, and informative. It allows you to create posts that are well-suited to the blog’s target audience, that stand out from the crowd, and that provide value to readers.

Since coming up with guest post ideas can be challenging, we will cover the topic all on its own after we have had a look at the DON’Ts of guest posting.


  • Avoid creating a post that has already been written 500 times

When it comes to guest posting, you don’t want to be that person who sends in a post that’s so basic and familiar, it could be found on a hundred different blogs with a simple Google search.

You know what I’m talking about – we’ve all seen those “Five Ways to Get More Blog Traffic” posts. Sure, they might be helpful, but they’re not exactly original or exciting.

Why does it matter? Well, for one, you don’t want to put the editor of the blog you’re pitching to sleep. If they’ve seen the same topic covered a hundred times before, they’re not going to be excited about publishing yet another version of it. And neither will their readers.

But it’s not just about avoiding boredom – there are SEO implications to consider as well. Essentially duplicating a well-known article is a bad practice when it comes to search engine optimization.

When choosing a topic for your post, it’s like choosing a keyword – you want something with enough search volume to be worthwhile, but not so much that you get lost in the noise.

So, take some time to brainstorm and come up with unique angles and fresh ideas. Your post will stand out, be more engaging for readers, and ultimately be more successful in achieving your guest blogging goals.

  • Avoid creating unnecessary links in your content

Let’s talk about guest posting etiquette. We all know that one of the reasons you’re writing a guest post is to get some sweet, sweet backlinks to your site. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to do it.

For example, if the first paragraph of your post has five links back to your site, you might be shooting yourself in the foot. It’s great to be enthusiastic about your site, but you don’t want to make your editor feel like you’re just using them for free advertising.

So, what’s the solution? Only include links to your site in the body of the post if they’re actually relevant to the topic at hand. If you’re writing about something that you just happen to have a great post about on your site, go ahead and link to it – but don’t force it.

In fact, the best way to approach linking in your guest post is to let the content dictate the links. If you have a specific idea in mind for a link, let that inform your choice of topic.

And remember, there’s a point of diminishing returns with links from a single page anyway. So, save some of those links for your author bio instead.

  • Avoid sending the same guest post to multiple blogs

One of the key things that blog editors are looking for is unique content. So, if you’re thinking about sending over an article that looks like it could have been copied and pasted from anywhere else on the web, think again!

To be on the safe side, editors will double-check to make sure that the content you’ve sent is totally original.

Here’s a hot tip: if you’re thinking about repurposing something you’ve already written, make sure to put in the work to make substantial changes.

Instead of just copying and pasting your “Top 10 Tips” article, why not switch things up and turn the article into an FAQ format? That way, you’re still sticking to the same basic theme, but you’re also giving the blog’s readers something fresh and new to sink their teeth into.

If you want to get the best results with your blog posting exploits in 2023 and beyond, these are a few, not all, of the dos and don’ts of guest blogging.

How to get Guest Blogging Ideas

Getting original ideas for your guest post is a challenge to many.

We’ve all experienced that feeling before. You know, the one where you’re staring at a blank screen, waiting for inspiration to strike. It’s tough to put your thoughts out there and wonder if anyone will even care. The fear of judgment can be paralyzing. But guess what? It’s time to snap out of it!

It’s all too common to push aside ideas, questioning if they’re even worth sharing with the world. Unfortunately, this only stifles your creativity and holds you back from reaching your full potential. The result? Endless hours spent sitting in front of your computer screen with nothing to show for it.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Today, we’re going to explore some proven techniques for generating blog post ideas that can be applied to any type of blog, newsletter, or website. It’s time to tap into that well of inspiration and start creating content that truly resonates with your audience.

So, let’s put our fears aside and get those creative juices flowing!

  • Maintain an “Ideas” File

When it comes to inspiration, the problem is that it can strike at any moment, and if you’re not prepared, it can be gone as quickly as it came. That’s why having a system to support your creative work is essential.

One technique that many writers, bloggers, and publishers use is to keep an ideas file. This is a place where you can jot down any thoughts, opinions, questions, or prompts that come to mind throughout the day.

Then, when it’s time to plan your next blog post, you can simply take a look into your ideas file and see what sparks your interest. It’s a great way to stay organized and never be short on ideas.

To make this process even easier, you can use a tool like Notion. They have a free content calendar template that you can use to keep track of your ideas, plan your posts, and stay on top of your publishing schedule. So next time you have a brilliant idea, make sure to jot it down and add it to your ideas file!

Everyone has a creative spark, but it can be tough to turn that spark into something tangible. That’s where an ideas file can help. Think of it like a treasure chest for all your blog post ideas.

Whenever an idea pops into your head, write it down in your file. This could be a thought, a question, or even just a few words that come to mind.

As you go through your ideas, pick out the ones that you want to develop further. Notion is a great tool to help you with this.

You can enter your ideas in the far-left column and move them to the additional columns on the right as they develop. This way, you can keep track of your progress from a simple idea to an article in progress, and finally to an edited and published article on your website.

But the most important part of all of this is building a habit of writing down ideas. This way, you can build up an inventory of inspiration that you can draw on whenever you need to create a new blog post. So, make it a part of your routine to jot down any ideas that come to you, and watch as your creativity flourishes!

  • Get inspired by content that others have created

Get inspired by the best and be ready to take on the rest! The first step towards great content is to surround yourself with it. But where do you find that inspiration? Well, you’re in luck! We’ve got some tips to get you started.

Start by using a feed reader, like Feedly, to follow your favorite blogs. Keep your finger on the pulse of your industry and see what others are writing about. Sign up for newsletters from your favorite writers so you never miss a beat. Schedule a weekly “blog reading” appointment and let the inspiration flow.

Now, here’s the kicker: don’t be afraid to steal ideas that are clearly working for others.

But hold on, don’t actually steal their content. Just take a cue from their success and make it your own. Iterate upon it, make it unique, and give it your own spin. In no time, you’ll be pumping out killer content that’ll have others following you for inspiration.

  • Get Inspiration from your own audience

Bored of brainstorming blog ideas alone? Want to boost your blog by involving your readers? Then, it’s time to embrace crowd-sourced content!

That’s right, you can harness the creativity and expertise of your readers to come up with winning blog ideas.

How? It’s simple. Just ask them!

You can use various platforms to get your readers engaged, from asking them to reply to your emails or tweets, to hosting private community conversations on platforms like Discourse or Circle. You could even meet them in person at events!

The power of reader participation and community-driven content cannot be overstated, and it’s a vital component of a successful blog or membership business. So, don’t be foolish by going out in search of ideas. Instead, let them come to you!

Ask your readers what they would like to read more of, and then give it to them. It’s a simple yet effective way to create engaging content that resonates with your audience.

Just like Louis Grenier of Everyone Hates Marketers suggests, listen and let the ideas come to you!

  • Ask The Internet: Use Targeted Search Parameters

Feeling stuck and staring at a blank screen can be frustrating for any blogger. But don’t worry, you’re not alone in this. Many bloggers before you have faced this same challenge, and they have shared their secrets to success.

Start by exploring the questions people are asking about your topic. Check out online forums like Reddit and Quora to see what people are talking about. Twitter is also an excellent source for real-time conversations and insights.

Did you know that Twitter has an advanced search feature that can help you find specific ideas and discussions? It’s a powerful tool that can lead you to a wealth of inspiration.

The best part is, falling down internet rabbit holes can actually work to your advantage in this case. You’ll find an abundance of ideas you can write about, questions you can answer, and even potential connections with people who can help you take your content to the next level.

So, go ahead and give it a try. You never know where your online exploration might take you!

  • Flesh Out Your Existing “Blockbuster” Content as a Guest Post

Have you ever wondered what your most popular blog posts of all time are? These are your blockbusters! They’re the posts that bring in new visitors long after their publication, so you know they work. But have you ever thought about expanding on them?

One way to do that is by doing a follow-up post or refreshing the content with a new and improved version. Updating your posts is a great SEO tactic to get even more people to read your content. And the best part is, you’ve already done most of the hard work!

Start by looking through your analytics history to identify your most popular blog posts. Once you have a list of them, think about ways to expand on the topics or refresh the content to make them even better.

Need help with a content audit? Check out this in-depth guide from AHREFs to help you get started. Catch that low-hanging fruit and watch your readership grow!

  • Catch up with trending topics

Want to stay ahead of the curve and drive more traffic to your blog? Look no further than the internet’s latest trends. But how can you find them? Fortunately, there are a ton of great tools out there to help you do just that.

Start by checking out Google Trends to get a better idea of what’s hot and what’s not. Then, enter a keyword into BuzzSumo to see what other bloggers are writing about. If you want even more ideas, try It’s like having your own personal thesaurus for trending topics!

And if you really want to get ahead of the curve, check out Exploding Topics. This tool helps you discover niche ideas before they become mainstream trends. So don’t wait – start using these tools today and take your blog to the next level!

  • Share your Personal Story or Experience

Have you ever considered sharing your blogging journey with your audience? It may sound like a daunting task, but it could be the perfect way to create compelling content that resonates with your readers.

Think about it: you’ve been blogging for a while now. You’ve seen the ups and downs, and you’ve learned a lot along the way. So why not use that experience to create valuable content that not only tells your story but also helps others in your industry?

By sharing what you’ve learned and the changes you’ve seen, you can offer a unique perspective that others can learn from. You can also give your readers a behind-the-scenes look at your creative process, which can help them understand your content better and build a deeper connection with your brand.

So, take a trip down memory lane and write about what you’ve learned. Share your journey, your mistakes, and your advice for new bloggers. Your readers will appreciate the honesty, and you may even inspire the next generation of bloggers to follow in your footsteps.

  • Write Pillar Content

Are you tired of writing blog posts that your readers only skim through? Want to create content that keeps your audience engaged and reading more? Well, it’s time to start thinking about internal linking.

By linking your existing posts together, you can create a seamless journey for your readers, taking them on a click-quest around your blog. It’s like creating a mini-guide that increases the value of each post when read sequentially.

Don’t know where to start? Take a look at your old posts and group together related content. Then, add an introduction, conclusion, and updated links to each post to tie them all together.

If you want to learn more about this technique, check out Jimmy Daly’s guide to creating “hub and spoke” content. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to keep your readers engaged and reading more of your awesome content.

  • Hijack another Expert’s Brain

Looking for fresh content ideas but feeling the creative burnout? Why not borrow someone else’s brain power?

Think about someone in your industry who your readers would love to hear from, and send them an email asking if you can interview them. It’s a win-win situation: you get fresh, valuable content, and your subject gets exposure.

But wait, there’s a catch: the key to a successful interview is to ask the right questions. You don’t want to end up with a boring “tell us about yourself” post that adds no value. Instead, do your research and ask questions that your subject is excited to answer and that they might not have been asked before.

By taking the time to craft an engaging and insightful interview, you can create magic that will keep your readers coming back for more. Check out this example of an interview with the Ghost user Maker Stations to see how it’s done.

  • Find Content Gaps through Competitor Analysis

Are you ready to take your content game to the next level? It’s time to do some sleuthing on your competitors! By finding out what’s working for them, you can learn what works for your audience, too.

One way to do this is by using AHREFs, a powerful research tool that can help you identify the keywords your competitors are ranking for and their top-performing articles. But don’t worry if you’re not familiar with it, AHREFs has a guide that shows you how to do an effective content gap analysis.

Once you have the information you need, it’s time to get creative. Look for opportunities where you can create unique content and capture a slice of the pie. Do you have a new and exciting angle on the same topic? Or maybe you have proprietary data that you can use to craft an original blog post.

Remember, your creativity, opinions, and unique niche are assets that you can leverage to stand out and offer readers something they can’t find anywhere else. So, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work!

  • Flex Your Brain and Idea Muscle

Are you tired of staring at a blank page, racking your brain for fresh blog post ideas? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! But the good news is that coming up with ideas is a skill that can be developed, like any other. The more you exercise that “idea muscle”, the stronger it becomes.

To get started, set a goal to come up with at least one blog post idea every day. It might be tough at first, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes. And to help you along the way, we’ve got two resources that are worth their weight in gold.

First up, check out some of the best books on idea generation. These books are packed with exercises and techniques to help you unlock your creative potential and generate new and exciting ideas.

Secondly, writer’s block can be a real pain, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the road. Check out the ultimate guide to beating writer’s block for some tips and tricks on how to overcome this common obstacle.

So, spend just a few minutes each day using these resources to generate new ideas. Then, once you’ve got a few gems, move them over to your content calendar or other planning tools. That way, you’ll always have a store of great ideas to draw from and keep your creative momentum fired up!

That brings us to the end of our tips on how you can generate ideas about the best guest posts before you can pitch them to a blog owner or editor.

10+ Must-Know Writing Tips For Successful Guest Blogging

Congratulations, you’ve done the hard work and landed a guest post opportunity!

Now it’s time to make it a smashing success with these golden tips on how to make your guest blogging exploits work for you. Remember the main goal is to get people back to your website, right?

Check out these tips:

  • Ensure that you can create one or more links back to your website

Let’s talk about something fundamental when it comes to guest posts: getting a link back to your website. It’s the whole point of guest posting, isn’t it?

Now, listen up. Before pitching or writing a guest post, always make sure you’re allowed to include a link. If you’re not, then it’s simply not worth your time.

It may sound obvious, but it’s the simplest rule for guest posting and so important that it needs to be repeated – don’t forget to get that link!

  • Call people to a landing page or a specific goal

Let’s talk about the end game, the big win! Your guest post isn’t just a piece of content that disappears into the ether. No, no, no! You need to make sure it’s leading people exactly where you want them to go.

First things first, always include a link – we’re not here to play games. But the real question is where to direct your readers to get the most bang for your buck.

Do you want to increase your domain authority? Link to your home page. Looking to boost your SEO for a particular keyword? Direct them to a page that focuses on it.

And that’s not all! You could lead them to an email sign-up page for more subscribers, a niche-specific giveaway page to get even more people on board, or even a landing page for a product, service, or eBook.

Whatever you choose, make sure it aligns with your ultimate goal. Deliberately direct your readers where you want them to go, and watch your guest post turn into a powerful tool for success!

  • Throw in a few well-known names

Ready to level up your guest post game and get noticed by the big names in your industry? Try name-dropping!

Yep, you read that right. By including the experts in your niche in your guest post, you get a whole host of benefits. Firstly, you’ll gain a positive association with the expert you name-drop, which can boost your credibility with readers.

But that’s not all. By tagging the expert on social media, you increase the chances that they’ll like or share your post for their own exposure. And who knows, this could even lead to a potential relationship with them!

Imagine the doors that could open for you with a connection to the big names in your field. So, start brainstorming ways to include the experts in your guest posts, and watch your professional network grow.

  • Write for the “Big Fish” in relevant niches

If you want to climb the SEO rankings, backlinks are a must-have. But don’t just go getting any old link from any old site. Google’s not fooled by irrelevant links, and neither are people.

Think about it: if you’re a pro at web design and you write a guest post for a food blog about your favorite crockpot recipe, you’re not going to convince anyone you’re an expert in web design. It’s got to be relevant!

And relevance isn’t the only factor. Authority matters too. Google’s on a mission to deliver the most trustworthy results to searchers. That’s why they’re all about E.A.T. — Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness.

To establish yourself as an authority in your niche, you need links from other sites that Google already trusts. That means high-authority sites! The higher the authority, the bigger the boost to your SEO. So go for the gold!

  • Ask them to help promote your guest posts for maximum exposure

Want to maximize the value of your guest posts?

Then you need to up your promotion game. After all, the more eyes on your post, the more likely you are to achieve your end goal. Plus, the blog owner will be thrilled with the increased engagement, making them more likely to say yes to your future guest post pitches.

One effective way to increase your promotion is by kindly asking the website that publishes your guest post to share your other guest posts. They could include links to your other posts in their email newsletters or share them on social media.

It’s not guaranteed, but if you’ve built a good relationship with them, you might be pleasantly surprised at how many are willing to help out.

To sweeten the deal, offer to reciprocate and share their posts with your own followers. It’s a small gesture that can lead to big benefits for both of you.

  • Keep it Fresh, With Evergreen Content!

If you want to make the most of your guest posts, you need to focus on timeless content. The key is to avoid writing about topics that will quickly lose relevance and interest over time, and instead aim for “evergreen” content.

Evergreen content is the kind that remains relevant and interesting to people no matter when they come across it. By writing evergreen content, you can attract a steady stream of readers to your site for years to come through organic searches.

On the other hand, time-sensitive topics such as current events or year-based lists can quickly lose their value and relevance.

For example, a list of “10 best air conditioners of 2020” will become outdated as soon as the year ends, while “10 signs your air conditioner needs maintenance” is an example of evergreen content that will always be relevant.

Need help finding evergreen content ideas?

Ready to get the most bang for your buck with your guest posts? It all starts with good old-fashioned keyword research!

Discover those high-traffic keywords that never seem to lose their relevance, and see which posts are already ranking for them. Then, ask yourself a few important questions:

  • Will this help me consistently achieve my site’s goals?
  • Will it help me establish credibility in my niche?
  • Can it connect me with industry influencers?
  • Will it spark discussion and engagement?

If you answer “yes” to these questions, then you’ve hit the jackpot and found the perfect topic for your next guest post.

  • Be careful with Anchor Text

Anchor text can make or break your guest post’s impact on your search engine rankings, and you don’t want to leave that to chance.

Simply put, anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink, and it matters a lot to search engines like Google. When you choose the right anchor text for your links, you’re telling Google exactly what your post is about and how it’s relevant to your target audience.

So, when you’re writing a guest post and adding links back to your website, make sure to choose your anchor text wisely. It should include important keywords that you want to rank for, like “free accounting software,” “accounting software tools,” “accounting software for businesses,” or “best accounting software for small businesses.”

But remember, don’t use the exact same anchor text for every post. Mix it up to avoid looking spammy to Google. When you get it right, your guest posts can help boost your expertise, authority, and trust in your industry, and improve your search engine rankings.

  • Interact with user comments

If you are writing a guest post for a website that allows users to leave comments on your blog, then it’s crucial that you reply to them. And, let me tell you why!

When you reply to the comments, it’s an excellent way to engage with your audience directly, and it helps establish you as an expert in your field.

Moreover, by responding to the comments, you’re building a relationship with the readers, which can lead to them following you on social media and clicking on the link to your website.

And, here’s a pro tip! If you notice that many people are asking similar questions, you can compile them into a new guest post as a Q&A or FAQ. Not only does it encourage more discussions in the comments section, but it also helps establish you as a go-to expert in the minds of the readers.

So, make sure to keep an eye on those comments and start building those relationships!

  • Write as if you are targeting novice readers in your niche

Writing a guest post can be challenging, but it’s important to keep your readers in mind. Remember, most of them will be new to your content, so it’s important to write for people who are brand new to the type of information you provide. Here are some tips to help you craft the perfect guest post:

Pick a topic related to the blog you’re writing for, but not covered there before. Don’t chase the interest of people who have already read similar articles. Instead, give them new information they don’t know the answer to.

Choose one of these types of articles that are particularly helpful to beginners:

  • list posts,
  • how-to guides
  • frequently asked questions
  • rankings and/or reviews for types of products or services

Load your article with useful resources and links to give more information. Use an instructional tone with easy-to-understand language, and avoid using complicated jargon or overly technical terms that beginners won’t understand.

  • Write in your unique tone for easy identification and loyalty nurturing

To truly stand out in a sea of guest posts, you need to establish a memorable brand. One way to do this is by developing a unique voice or perspective that sets you apart from the rest.

In addition to crafting quality content that’s accessible to beginners, you want to make an impression that sticks. Identify what makes you unique in your niche, and let your personality shine through. Don’t try to be someone you’re not; embrace your strengths.

Maintain consistency across all of your writing so that readers can quickly recognize and trust your voice. This will help you build a dedicated following of readers who appreciate and resonate with your brand.

  • Be powerful when writing an introduction to your guest blog

Let’s talk about making a great first impression with your guest posts. You want your headline and opening paragraph to be so good that people can’t resist reading on.

Think of it like an inverted pyramid – start with a strong hook that speaks to their pain points and keeps them reading.

It’s not easy, though. Did you know that 55% of people read articles for 15 seconds or less? So, if you can get someone to go from scanning to really reading, you’ve already won half the battle. This is how you’ll keep people on the page longer and improve your average session duration times in Google Analytics.

Remember, getting a click is only the first step. It’s equally important to keep them interested once they’re there. And when you do manage to hold onto their attention, it’s a bigger achievement than you might think.

  • Keep track of your efforts and their results

Are you curious about how your guest post campaign is performing? Tracking the results of each post is crucial if you want to evaluate how well it’s meeting your goals. You’ll also need accurate data to adjust your budgeting for guest posts according to the ROI.

Keep track of the following:

  • Domain rating increase since the start of your campaign
  • Keyword ranking increase
  • Referral traffic to your website from the links
  • Number of new subscribers or giveaway entries generated from guest posts

If you’re not seeing any improvement in these areas, it’s a sign that your strategy needs to be changed. Don’t worry, just switch things up and try again until you find what works best for you. On the other hand, if you see lots of improvement, then you know what to keep doing to achieve your goals.

To track your progress, you can use various SEO tools like Ahrefs, Moz, SEMRush, or other rank-tracking tools. These tools are specially designed to help you track your domain rating or keyword rankings, so you can easily see how your campaign is progressing over time.

You can check your data on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis and add it to a spreadsheet to monitor your performance.

If you want to track website traffic or new subscribers, you can use UTM parameters in Google Analytics. UTM parameters are additional bits of code that you can add to your URL, allowing you to track traffic from specific links in your Analytics account.

Just keep in mind that adding UTM parameters to a link can make it appear less natural, so it’s always best to check with the website owner before doing so.

If you’re concerned about the length of the link, you can use a URL shortener like, Rebrandly, or a similar tool, but make sure that the website you’re posting on allows it.

So, stay vigilant and track those metrics to see how well your guest post campaign is performing.

  • Keep Focused; Keep On Writing

Are you ready to take your guest posting campaign to the next level? Here’s the golden rule you need to know: always keep writing! It’s not enough to get a few links and call it a day. If you want to see real results, you need to make guest posting a regular habit.

Consistency is key when it comes to SEO, and guest posting is no exception. The more high-quality websites you write for, the more benefits you’ll see. More clicks, more traffic, higher domain ratings, and better keyword rankings – the list goes on!

When you earn links from a variety of domains over a longer period of time, it sends a powerful signal to Google that you’re an authority in your field.

But here’s the catch: don’t burn yourself out. You don’t need to pump out a new post every day. Find a schedule that works for you and stick to it. Whether you post once a week or once a month, make it a regular part of your routine.

With consistency and persistence, you’ll be amazed at the results you can achieve!

If you want to rock your guest blogging game, you must follow these 13 tips like your life depends on it.

It’s not rocket science – your end game is to woo people with your words, get them drooling for more, and lead them straight to your website where you’ll blow their minds with your genius content.

So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start writing those guest posts!

In Conclusion

Guest blogging continues to be a valuable strategy for bloggers, marketers, and publishers in 2023 and beyond. As search engines continue to prioritize high-quality content, guest posting provides a way to create relevant, authoritative content and earn backlinks to improve SEO.

However, it’s essential to approach guest blogging with a focus on value and authenticity, rather than just using it as a means to get links.

As the internet landscape evolves, guest blogging may also continue to shift and adapt, but its core purpose of providing value and building relationships is likely to remain relevant.

With the right approach and a commitment to producing high-quality content, guest blogging can continue to be a powerful tool for building a brand, establishing authority, and driving traffic to your website.



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