Maximizing SEO Through Linkable Asset Creation: An Ultimate Guide with Inspiring Case Studies

linkable assets seo

Are you tired of creating content that never seems to gain any traction online?

Have you ever wondered how the top websites in your industry seem to effortlessly dominate search engine rankings?

The secret lies in linkable assets – the key to attracting quality backlinks, boosting SEO, and driving traffic to your website.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll reveal the ultimate strategy to create linkable assets that will take your online presence to the next level.

You’ve probably heard the standard SEO pitch before – “produce fantastic, one-of-a-kind content, reach out to influencers for links, and you’re set”.

It’s not a lie; it does work to a certain extent.

However, the most successful sites on the internet have taken a different approach.

They’ve built things that are worth linking to – things that are incredibly helpful, engaging, and entertaining.

These “things” are so amazing that even the press can’t help but talk about them. With some strategic promotion, these “things” have catapulted these sites to the top, giving them the power to dominate the web.

That’s right, I’m talking about linkable assets.

Of course, you don’t need them to achieve SEO success. I won’t try to sell you that pipe dream.

But if you want to completely obliterate your competition, secure your future in the business world, and minimize the effort it takes to rank future content, then I highly recommend you hop on board.

Let’s get into the nitty-gritty and explore how you can create linkable assets that will help you dominate the internet.

How To Create Linkable Assets In 6 Easy Steps

What are the Common Characteristics of Linkable Assets?

Okay, so a lot of folks have their own ideas of what a “linkable asset” is. And as time goes on, new ones keep popping up.

But instead of droning on about what they are, let me give you the bottom line:

“A linkable asset is something worth linking to. “

I know that’s a pretty broad definition, but I think most linkable assets tend to have some common characteristics. For example:

1) A Linkable Asset Must be Useful

A linkable asset should be highly valuable to its intended audience, surpassing the standard of an ordinary blog post.

It should serve as a definitive resource within its niche, providing exceptional value and surpassing the offerings of any other existing resources. Its use should be so exceptional that it can’t go unnoticed, compelling major industry publications to refer to it.

2) Viral Linkable Assets Offer Loads of Interactivity

A key takeaway from this guide is the effectiveness of creating “experiences” over traditional “content.” Interactivity can take various forms, and it does not necessarily require an abundance of JavaScript on your website.

The point is that your linkable asset is more likely to be successful if it offers visitors something to engage with, particularly something that cannot be found elsewhere.

3) Linkable Assets MUST Tug at the Heartstrings of Your Target Audience

In creating linkable assets, it’s important to consider the emotional response it evokes in your audience. Humor and awe are the most powerful emotions that tend to resonate with people.

However, the key factor is the intensity of the emotion it evokes. Negative emotions such as sadness may not arouse the audience, but emotions such as fear and anger do.

Incorporating emotions such as fear, anger, humor, and awe tends to result in the most successful linkable assets. Awe, in particular, refers to the feeling of a new perspective, a revelation, which is why scientific discoveries and conspiracy theories tend to be widely shared.

4) A Linkable Asset MUST be Relatable

While perhaps less crucial than the previous three factors, distinguishing yourself from competitors is still important.

While intentionally seeking controversy is generally inadvisable, taking a stance and appealing to subcultures can be necessary. Studies have shown that consumers are more likely to purchase from brands that share their ethical views and may even pay more for them.

It’s crucial to focus on the positive aspects of your stance, however, as bashing other subcultures can alienate your brand from the mainstream and draw attention to your faults. In any case, showing personality is better than sounding “corporate” or “sterile.”

10 Types of Linkable Assets You Can Use to Boost Link Building and SEO

Let us take a look at 10 powerful types of linkable assets, and why they are crucial to your business if you want to improve your SEO ranking through link building:

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of these linkable assets can vary depending on the industry, target audience, and the quality and relevance of the content created.

  • Online “User” Tools

Online tools (Calculators, Converters, etc.) can be a real game-changer when it comes to linkable assets. They are like a Swiss Army knife for your website – handy, versatile, and always there when you need them.

Want to give your users a quick and easy way to calculate something? There’s a tool for that.

Need to create an eye-catching infographic? There’s a tool for that too.

And don’t even get me started on the possibilities for interactive quizzes, surveys, and games – the sky’s the limit!

Not only do online tools provide a unique and valuable experience for your visitors, but they also have the potential to earn you quality backlinks and boost your SEO.

People love to share and link to useful resources, and if your tool is providing something truly valuable, you can expect to see those backlinks rolling in. Plus, the longer people spend on your site using your tool, the more likely they are to explore your other content and become repeat visitors.

Of course, creating an online tool is no small feat – it takes time, resources, and a good deal of technical know-how. But if you can pull it off, the rewards can be well worth the effort. So, get creative, think outside the box, and start building those tools as linkable assets that people can’t help but link to and share.

  • Crowdsourced Activity

Crowdsourced activity is a powerful way to create linkable assets that can help boost SEO and drive traffic to your website. By involving your audience in the creation process, you can tap into their knowledge, expertise, and creativity to create something truly unique and valuable.

One way to leverage crowdsourced activity is to create a contest or competition that encourages your audience to create and submit content related to your niche. This could be anything from a photo contest to a writing competition, depending on your audience and the type of content you’re looking to create.

For example, if you run a travel website, you could create a photo contest where people submit their best travel photos for a chance to win a prize. Or, if you’re in the tech industry, you could run a coding competition where developers can submit their best code snippets or projects.

Another way to leverage crowdsourced activity is to create a community-driven resource, such as a directory or database. This can be especially effective if you’re in a niche where there is a lot of information or data that needs to be organized and presented in a user-friendly way.

For example, if you’re in the real estate industry, you could create a directory of local real estate agents and brokers, complete with reviews and ratings from customers. Or, if you’re in the health and fitness industry, you could create a database of workout routines and nutrition plans submitted by your audience.

The key to leveraging crowdsourced activity is to make it fun and engaging for your audience, while also providing something of value to them. By involving them in the creation process and giving them a chance to showcase their skills and expertise, you can create linkable assets that not only boost your SEO and drive traffic to your website but also help you build a stronger relationship with your audience.

To have a successful crowdsourced campaign, there are three must-haves that you can’t ignore:

1) Firstly, offer your users a tool or a platform to create something. You’re not expecting them to carve a statue out of marble, but a simple DIY tool that they can use to create something unique.

2) Secondly, give them the power to vote on what they have created, like an online talent show, where the audience decides which act deserves the spotlight. This way, the best user-generated content can take center stage.

3) Lastly, give the audience a chance to respond to the content, be it through feedback, critique, or even creating a response. This will make your campaign more engaging and give your audience a sense of ownership.

Remember, you don’t have to build the next Facebook to succeed. Just come up with something innovative, fun, and engaging to empower your users, and who knows, you might even build a loyal audience!

  • Coined Terms

Using coined terms as linkable assets can be a powerful SEO strategy. A coined term is a word or phrase that is created and used to describe a specific concept, product, or service. The term should be unique, easy to remember, and should be descriptive enough to help people understand what it is.

When a coined term is used in a piece of content, it becomes a unique identifier for that content. It can also help create a buzz around your content because people are more likely to share content that is unique and interesting.

When people share your content and use the coined term, it can lead to more backlinks to your website, which can improve your search engine rankings.

For example, the coined term “content upgrade” was first created by Brian Dean of Backlinko. A content upgrade is a lead magnet that is offered as an incentive to people who subscribe to your email list.

Brian created a comprehensive guide on how to create a content upgrade, and he used the term throughout the guide. As a result, people started using the term “content upgrade” when referring to this lead magnet strategy.

This led to more backlinks to Brian’s website, which helped to boost his search engine rankings.

To use coined terms as a linkable asset, start by identifying a concept, product, or service that you want to promote. The terms you create should be unique, descriptive, and easy to remember.

Once you have your coined term, create high-quality content that uses the term throughout. This could be a blog post, video, or infographic.

When promoting your content, make sure to use the coined term in your social media posts, email newsletters, and outreach efforts. Encourage people to share your content and use the coined term when they do.

This can help to create a buzz around your content and can lead to more backlinks and higher search engine rankings.

Overall, using coined terms as a linkable asset can be an effective way to boost your SEO, get quality backlinks, and drive traffic to your website. Just make sure to choose a unique and memorable term, create high-quality content, and promote it effectively.

  • Resource Center

Resource centers, such as this one created by Moz, can act as linkable assets because they offer visitors an abundance of high-quality information on a specific topic, making them valuable and authoritative sources.

When well-constructed, a resource center can help establish a website as a thought leader in a particular field or industry, increasing the likelihood that other sites will link back to it.

To create a resource center that is a linkable asset, it is essential to consider the following aspects:

1) Depth and Breadth of Content: A good resource center should have a wealth of information on the subject it covers. Visitors should be able to find content on a wide range of related topics, presented in a way that is easy to understand and navigate.

2) High-Quality Content: The content must be well-researched, accurate, and up-to-date, written by subject matter experts or professionals in the field. The center should provide not only text content, but also multimedia content such as videos, infographics, and interactive tools.

3) Clear and User-Friendly Navigation: Visitors should be able to quickly find what they are looking for. The resource center should have a clear and intuitive navigation menu, as well as a search bar that allows users to search for content based on specific keywords or topics.

4) Engagement: Resource centers can also encourage engagement by allowing visitors to comment on content, share their own resources, and provide feedback. This not only encourages visitors to return, but it can also help build a community around the resource center.

5) Promotion: A resource center alone won’t attract links. Proper promotion is critical to attracting links, both from other websites and users sharing the resources. Promote the center on social media, email newsletters, forums and communities, and relevant directories and listings.

To create a highly successful resource center, and make it work wonders as a linkable asset, here are 3 essentials that you MUST consider:

1) Organize a resource center by the form rather than the function:

When organizing a resource center, it’s crucial to think about how users will interact with the content. One of the most effective ways to organize a resource center is to group content by form rather than function.

This means organizing resources by the type of content they are, such as blog posts, infographics, videos, etc., rather than by the topic they cover. This way, users can easily find the type of content they prefer and access the information they need in the most effective way.

2) Highlight the key resources of the resource center:

It’s important to highlight the key resources of the resource center to attract attention to the content that users will find most valuable. This can be achieved by featuring popular or important resources on the homepage, including them in relevant blog posts or articles, and sharing them on social media.

In addition, it’s essential to ensure that the key resources are easy to find within the resource center itself, with clear navigation and search functionality.

3) Highlight new resources:

To keep the resource center fresh and engaging, it’s important to highlight new resources as they are added. This can be done through a “New” or “Recently Added” section on the homepage, or through regular email newsletters or social media updates.

This not only attracts attention to the new content but also encourages users to return to the resource center to check out what’s new.

In addition, by highlighting new resources, users will see that the resource center is active and regularly updated, which can increase engagement and establish the center as a valuable and reliable source of information.

A well-designed and promoted resource center can serve as a highly effective linkable asset.

It offers a wealth of high-quality content, establishes a website as a thought leader in its field, and encourages visitors to engage with the content and share it with others, increasing the likelihood that it will be linked to, by other sites.

  • Infographics

Infographics can be a powerful type of linkable asset because they are visually appealing, easy to understand, and often provide valuable information in a digestible format. Here are a few ways that infographics can be used to boost SEO and drive traffic to your website:

1) Provide valuable information: Infographics can be a great way to present complex information clearly and concisely. By providing valuable information in an easy-to-understand format, you are more likely to attract readers who are interested in your topic.

2) Increase engagement: Infographics are more likely to be shared on social media than text-based content, which can help increase engagement and drive traffic to your site. They can also be embedded in blog posts or other types of content, making them more accessible to readers.

3) Earn backlinks: Because infographics are visually appealing and provide valuable information, they are often shared and linked to by other websites. This can help boost your site’s authority and improve your search engine rankings.

Here are a few case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of using infographics as linkable assets:

  • The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), now known as American Clean Power Association created an infographic called “How Wind Energy Works” that provided an overview of the wind energy industry. The infographic was shared widely on social media and earned backlinks from high-authority websites like Forbes, Business Insider, and the Huffington Post.
  • The company NeoMam Studios created an infographic called “13 Reasons Why Your Brain Craves Infographics” that explained the science behind why people are drawn to infographics. The infographic was shared widely on social media and earned backlinks from high-authority websites like Mashable, Fast Company, and the Daily Mail.
  • Neil Patel wrote a blog post “The Anatomy of the Perfect Landing Page” and added an infographic that provided a visual guide to creating a high-quality landing page. The infographic was shared widely on social media and earned backlinks from high-authority websites like HubSpot, Entrepreneur, and Forbes.

To create effective infographics as linkable assets, it’s important to ensure that they are visually appealing, easy to understand and provide valuable information. It’s also important to promote your infographics on social media and reach out to other websites to encourage them to share and link to your content.

  • Awards and/or Rankings

Awards and rankings can be powerful linkable assets for a variety of reasons. They provide third-party validation and recognition of a business or individual’s accomplishments, making them more attractive to potential customers or partners.

Additionally, they can help to increase visibility and credibility, as well as generate backlinks and traffic to a website.

Here are three examples of how awards and rankings can be used as linkable assets:

1) Best of [Industry/Niche] Awards: These awards are given out by various organizations and publications to businesses that excel in a particular industry or niche.

For example, the Best of the Web Awards, which are presented by Forbes, recognizes companies that have made significant contributions to the online world.

Winning a Best of Award can be a powerful way to establish credibility and generate buzz around a business, as well as drive traffic to the company’s website.

2) Top [Number] Lists: These lists are often compiled by bloggers or media outlets and highlight the top companies, products, or services in a particular industry or niche.

For example, the Top 100 Places to Work list published by Fortune Magazine is highly respected and provides a valuable link-building opportunity for the companies that make the list. Being included in a top list can not only generate backlinks and traffic but also increase brand recognition and credibility.

3) Industry-Specific Rankings: Many industries have their own ranking systems, such as the 5000 list of fastest-growing companies in the United States.

Being included in these rankings can provide valuable exposure and generate backlinks and traffic to a website. Additionally, rankings can help to establish a company’s reputation within a particular industry, making them more attractive to potential partners and customers.

Overall, awards and rankings can be powerful linkable assets that help to establish credibility, increase visibility, and generate backlinks and traffic to a website. By actively seeking out and promoting these accolades, businesses can leverage them to their advantage and gain a competitive edge in their industry.

Creating an award or ranking as a linkable asset can be a powerful way to generate backlinks and drive traffic to your website.

Here are the steps to create an award or ranking:

1) Determine the criteria: Decide what factors you will use to judge the award or ranking. For example, if you are creating a ranking of the top 10 businesses in your industry, you might consider revenue, growth rate, customer satisfaction, and online reviews.

2) Choose a name: Come up with a catchy and memorable name for your award or ranking. Make sure it accurately reflects the criteria you have established.

3) Create a landing page: Design a landing page that explains the award or ranking and provides information about the criteria and the benefits of winning. Be sure to include a clear call to action for businesses to apply.

4) Promote the award or ranking: Use social media, email marketing, and other digital marketing strategies to promote your award or ranking. Reach out to businesses and industry influencers to encourage them to participate.

5) Select winners: Establish a clear process for selecting winners, based on your criteria. Be sure to communicate the winners to all participants, and promote the winners on your website and social media channels.

6) Celebrate the winners: Host an event or create a press release to celebrate the winners. This will generate additional exposure and backlinks to your website.

Examples of companies that have successfully used awards and rankings as linkable assets include:

1) 5000: This annual ranking of the fastest-growing private companies in the United States has become a prestigious award that attracts significant media attention and generates backlinks to The Award has grown to include other continents such as Inc. 5000 Africa.

2) TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Awards: TripAdvisor’s annual awards for hotels, restaurants, and destinations generate significant media coverage and backlinks to TripAdvisor’s website.

3) Moz Top 10: Moz’s annual ranking of the top search engine optimization (SEO) agencies generates backlinks and traffic to, as well as recognition as an authority in the SEO industry.

  • Research

Research and its results can be a powerful linkable asset as it adds value to the online community by providing new and relevant information on a topic.

Research can attract attention online for several reasons:

1) Unique insights: Research often provides unique insights and perspectives on a particular topic. This can be especially valuable if the research is the first of its kind or if it contradicts conventional wisdom.

2) Credibility: Research is generally seen as more credible than opinion or conjecture. If the research is conducted by a reputable organization or expert in the field, it can lend greater weight and authority to the findings.

3) Practical value: Research often provides practical value for readers, giving them information and data that they can use to make informed decisions. This can be especially useful in industries such as healthcare, finance, and education.

4) Shareability: Research is highly shareable, as people often like to share interesting and valuable content with their networks. This can help the research gain wider exposure and attract more attention.

Overall, research is a highly valuable asset for online marketing and link building because it can attract a lot of attention, establish credibility, and provide practical value for readers.

  • Guides and Tutorials

Guides and tutorials are considered to be great linkable assets because they offer a clear and comprehensive explanation of a particular topic or subject matter. They are highly valuable to the reader, as they provide detailed information on how to perform a particular task or achieve a certain outcome.

In addition to providing value to the reader, guides and tutorials also have a number of characteristics that make them highly shareable and linkable. First, they are often organized into sections or steps, making them easy to digest and follow. This makes them highly shareable on social media, as users can quickly and easily share a particular section or step that they found helpful.

Guides and tutorials can earn you links from other websites and bloggers in several ways:

1) Providing valuable information: If your guide or tutorial provides valuable information or solves a problem that others are struggling with, they are more likely to share it with their audience. By creating in-depth and informative guides, you are positioning yourself as an expert and a go-to resource for others in your industry.

2) Shareable content: Guides and tutorials are highly shareable. People are always looking for useful resources to share with their own audience, and a well-designed, informative guide or tutorial can be shared on social media, websites, and other platforms, which can lead to more traffic and exposure for your website.

3) Linking to other resources: When you create a guide or tutorial, you may need to reference other resources, tools, or products. By linking to these external resources, you are providing additional value to your audience and showing that you have done your research. The owners of those resources may notice your link and may link back to your guide or tutorial in return.

4) Collaborations and guest posts: Creating guides and tutorials can open up opportunities for collaborations and guest posts. If you provide a valuable resource, other bloggers or businesses in your industry may want to collaborate with you or ask you to contribute a guest post to their website, which can lead to more links and exposure.

Overall, creating high-quality, informative guides and tutorials can help you build your brand, establish yourself as an expert, and earn valuable links from other websites and bloggers.

  • Video Series

A video series is considered a great linkable asset for several reasons. First, videos are highly engaging and can captivate an audience in a way that text or images cannot. They allow you to convey complex information in a visually compelling way, making it more memorable and shareable.

Additionally, a video series can be an effective way to establish yourself as an authority in your field. By providing in-depth information on a particular topic, you can demonstrate your expertise and build trust with your audience.

This can lead to more shares, more links, and ultimately higher search engine rankings.

Another reason why a video series is a great linkable asset is that it provides a platform for collaboration with other industry experts. You can invite guest speakers to contribute to your video series, which not only adds credibility to your content but also creates opportunities for cross-promotion and link-building.

Finally, a video series is highly versatile and can be repurposed in a variety of ways. You can create shorter clips or highlight reels for social media, transcribe the content to create blog posts, or even use the footage in a webinar or presentation.

This allows you to reach a wider audience and further increase the likelihood of your content being shared and linked to.

In summary, a video series is a great linkable asset because it is engaging, authoritative, collaborative, and versatile. By creating a high-quality video series on a topic that resonates with your audience, you can generate high-quality backlinks, drive traffic to your website, and improve your search engine rankings.

  • Case Studies

Case studies can be used as linkable assets to demonstrate the success of your products, services, or strategies. They provide concrete evidence of your business’s value and can be used to persuade potential clients or customers to work with you.

A well-crafted case study can also be an excellent way to earn backlinks from authoritative websites, as other businesses or industry publications may be interested in sharing your success story with their own audience.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create and promote a case study within a certain niche:

1) Identify the target audience and niche: Determine the target audience and niche for your case study. This will help you create content that is specifically tailored to the needs and interests of your audience.

2) Select a relevant topic: Choose a topic that is relevant to your niche and of interest to your target audience. The topic should be something that you have expertise in and can showcase your skills and knowledge.

3) Find a suitable case study subject: Look for a relevant case study subject that you can use to illustrate your expertise and experience. This could be a client or a customer that you have worked with in the past, or it could be a hypothetical scenario that you create.

4) Collect data and information: Collect data and information on the case study subject. This could include interviews, surveys, customer feedback, and other relevant information that supports your case study.

5) Create the case study: Use the data and information you collected to create a compelling case study that highlights your expertise and experience in your niche. Use storytelling techniques to create a narrative that engages your target audience and showcases your abilities.

6) Promote the case study: Once your case study is complete, promote it to your target audience. Share it on social media, send it to your email list, and reach out to other websites and blogs in your niche to see if they are interested in featuring your case study.

7) Follow up and measure success: Follow up with the websites and blogs that feature your case study to see if you have earned any backlinks. Track your traffic and engagement metrics to measure the success of your case study promotion efforts.

By following these steps, you can create a high-quality case study that showcases your expertise and experience in your niche, and earns valuable backlinks from other websites and blogs.

Explore Real-Life Success Stories: Case Studies of Linkable Assets in Action

Get ready to see how the techniques we’ve covered in this article have worked wonders for others in the real world, yielding quality backlinks, enhanced SEO, and a surge in website traffic.

  • “Open Happiness” by Coca-Cola – A Crowdsourced Linkable Asset

The Challenge

In an era where health consciousness is on the rise, companies are finding new ways to connect with consumers through digital media. When Coca-Cola was faced with this challenge, it had to come up with a creative approach to promote its products. And thus, the “Open Happiness” campaign was born – a smart and straightforward strategy to achieve their objective. Let’s dive deeper into how Coke pulled off this feat.

The Solution

Rather than focusing on the health benefits or drawbacks of their products, Coca-Cola opted for a feel-good approach that highlighted personal commonalities and celebrated individuals by putting popular names on their bottles and cans.

Coca-Cola discovered a unique way to win over its audience by tapping into two key strategies:

  1. Tugging at consumers’ heartstrings through the uplifting Tippy Tap video and story, and
  2. Celebrating individuality by featuring popular given names on their bottles and cans.

With these powerful tactics, Coca-Cola moved beyond the health benefits of its product to promote the brand as an embodiment of positivity, joy, and shared experiences.

Through its “Open Happiness” tagline in 2013, Coca-Cola launched a series of initiatives that engaged its customers and increased the company’s global presence.

The interactive campaigns, including “The Coke Zero Dance,” “The Share a Coke,” and “The Super Bowl Polar Bears,” effectively used crowdsourcing to generate buzz and connect with consumers.

One of the standout features of these campaigns was how they appealed to customers’ emotions, by making them feel like part of a community, and inviting them to be an active part of the brand.

The first two were particularly effective towards this end:

 1) The Coke Zero Dance

Coca-Cola’s innovative approach to expanding its brand presence involved the creation of a captivating new dance for its Coke Zero line.

Leveraging the power of social media, the company launched a compelling crowdsourcing campaign, calling upon the public to share their unique dance moves.

Ultimately, Coca-Cola selected the inspiring story of a young man who channeled his frustration with his parents into the creation of an electrifying dance move known as the Toe Tappy.

The captivating routine quickly captivated fans on social media, racking up over 5 million views on YouTube and establishing Coca-Cola as a trailblazer in innovative brand engagement.

2) Share a Coke

In Australia, Coca-Cola’s savvy market research identified a stunning reality: a full 50% of young Australians had never tasted a Coke.

Determined to build a stronger connection with this critical demographic, Coca-Cola embarked on a bold new campaign. The company conducted research on the 150 most popular names in the country and began printing them on Coke products.

This simple, yet inspired tactic generated tremendous social media buzz, driving nationwide excitement around the “Share a Coke” initiative. Coca-Cola even rolled out mobile kiosks to offer customers a chance to print their names on a can of Coke.

The results of the campaign were remarkable, with Coca-Cola earning over 12 million media impressions and boosting sales volume by 4% within just three months.

The company’s strategic use of crowdsourcing resulted in an entirely new and engaging customer experience, winning over 5% more Australians to the irresistible taste of Coke.

In short, Coca-Cola masterfully harnessed the power of crowdsourcing to connect with its target audience and transform the way customers engage with its iconic brand.

The Results

Coca-Cola’s various campaigns were designed to embody its brand essence of “Open Happiness”, a guiding principle for all brand messaging and product promotion. To expand its global footprint, Coca-Cola integrated crowdsourcing into its marketing strategy.

Although boasting millions of worldwide customers, the key to success is not just the size of the audience, but rather, having the right audience.

Through meticulous market research, Coca-Cola was able to effectively engage and mobilize its audience through a range of crowdsourcing initiatives, yielding tangible results.

  • Dominos Pizza – A User Tool + Crowdsourced Linkable Asset

The Challenge

Back in 2009, Domino’s Pizza faced a major crisis when a viral YouTube video showed two employees engaging in inappropriate behavior with a pizza, garnering over a million hits in no time. It seemed like the end for the brand, but Domino’s saw it as an opportunity to improve.

By leveraging customer feedback and revamping its product offerings, the company successfully turned the crisis around and redefined its brand image. Domino’s inspiring journey serves as a testament to the power of a well-executed digital marketing campaign.

The Solution

To overcome the PR crisis caused by the viral video in 2009, Domino’s Pizza implemented a five-pronged strategy:

  • Firstly, the company responded promptly and proactively.
  • Secondly, it confessed to its customers and began rebuilding their trust.
  • Thirdly, it prioritized customer feedback to refine its product offerings.
  • Fourthly, it enhanced the customer experience through innovative features such as the Pizza Tracker.
  • Lastly, it utilized social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook to generate enthusiasm about its redefined direction.

This multi-dimensional approach enabled Domino’s to recover from the crisis and emerge stronger.

Domino’s Pizza wasted no time in rectifying its mistakes. President Patrick Doyle stepped up and swiftly responded to the inappropriate YouTube video by publicly apologizing to customers about the debacle.

Domino’s further extended its remorse to its customer base by admitting that its pizza quality had been subpar. With this candid admission, Domino’s demonstrated a strong commitment to customer satisfaction and transparency, earning renewed trust and loyalty from its patrons.

To continue its rebranding effort, Domino’s took a customer-centric approach by revamping its pizza boxes and launching surveys to gather and act on valuable feedback. Through crowdsourcing, the company was able to gain genuine insights and suggestions directly from its customer base.

Through listening to and acting on customer feedback, Domino’s was able to reconnect with its customer base and demonstrate that its input mattered.

Even when faced with negative feedback, Domino’s was committed to taking it seriously and using it as an opportunity to revamp its product from crust to topping.

The resulting “PizzaTurnaround” campaign emphasized transparency and encouraged customers to give the new and improved Domino’s pizza a try.

The Results

Domino’s achieved a remarkable 14.3% increase in revenue during the first quarter of 2010, and since implementing the campaign, the company’s stock soared by an impressive 400%.

How did they do it, you ask?

By shrewdly aligning their brand message with the values of the burgeoning digital landscape, and executing an expertly crafted integrated digital marketing strategy.

Domino’s set out to achieve two goals with their innovative new campaign: to lure back former customers and entice new ones to try their deliciously revamped pizza.

To accomplish this, they created a #newpizza Twitter feed, produced enticing ads on YouTube, and introduced a visually stunning Pizza Tracker feature on their website.

This tool allowed customers to easily place an order for any of Domino’s mouth-watering products and then watch with eager anticipation as their pizza progresses through each stage of delivery.

By becoming more interactive, social, transparent, and receptive to customer feedback and reviews, Domino’s demonstrated a savvy understanding of the values of today’s digital culture and the intricacies of a well-executed integrated digital marketing strategy.

To this day, Domino’s remains committed to expanding upon its original campaign, with a series of fresh initiatives that center around cultivating trust among all of its key stakeholders – from shareholders and employees to cherished customers.

  • Ben & Jerry’s Invent Your Ice-Cream Campaign – An Award + Crowdsourcing Linkable Asset

The Challenge

As with any organization, Ben & Jerry’s understood the importance of actively engaging with consumers to keep them connected to their brand and the products they love. They needed a way to continue to captivate their audience and forge lasting connections that left a sweet taste in everyone’s mouth.

The Solution

With a commitment to advancing their mission and driving innovation, Ben & Jerry’s launched their revolutionary “Do the World a Flavor” campaign on a global scale.

By harnessing the power of crowdsourcing, they not only showcased their core values but also solicited inspired ideas for fresh ice cream flavors and product designs.

Through this bold approach, Ben & Jerry’s proved that they are a true trailblazer in their industry, pioneering new avenues for customer engagement and collaboration.

Ben & Jerry’s launched a contest spanning seventeen countries, daring consumers to put their creativity to the test and invent a completely new ice cream flavor on the brand’s website.

Winners of this exciting competition were rewarded with the unique opportunity to have their winning creation transformed into an official Ben & Jerry’s flavor, as well as embark on an unforgettable trip to the Dominican Republic.

There, they could witness firsthand where the exceptional Fair Trade ingredients utilized in Ben & Jerry’s ice cream are grown, all while supporting the brand’s cherished core values.

By advocating for Fair Trade, a certification and global trade model that promotes fair wages for workers in developing countries, Ben & Jerry’s showcased their continued commitment to making a positive impact on the world.

The Results

Ben & Jerry’s, an expert in cultivating exceptional customer experiences, developed a digital campaign that seamlessly integrated the brand’s core values with increased customer involvement.

The innovative use of crowdsourcing allowed Ben & Jerry’s to channel the boundless enthusiasm of their fans and promote the brand in a positive light.

This not only deepened consumer engagement but also yielded an incredible array of unique new ice cream flavors.

The results were staggering:

The US alone received a whopping 10,000 new flavor suggestions, with beloved classics such as “Cherry Garcia” and “Chunky Monkey” emerging as iconic hits.

It’s clear that Ben & Jerry’s “Do the World a Flavor” campaign was an undeniable triumph, exemplifying the brand’s unparalleled ability to inspire creativity and foster a genuine connection with its fans.

In Conclusion

Mastering the art of linkable asset creation is crucial to the success of any SEO strategy. By creating valuable and engaging content, businesses can attract quality backlinks, enhance their online reputation, and ultimately improve their search engine rankings.

Throughout this ultimate guide, we’ve explored the various techniques and best practices for creating linkable assets and examined inspiring case studies from successful brands.

Whether you’re looking to create stunning visual content, conduct original research, or generate captivating infographics, the key to success is to prioritize quality and relevance above all else.

With the right mindset, tools, and resources, any business can leverage the power of linkable assets to maximize its SEO efforts and achieve long-term success.

If you have tried out any of the concepts discussed in this blog post, kindly do share your experiences, whether positive or negative, in the comments section below.

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