Demystifying Artificial Intelligence (AI) Optimization


When most people hear about Artificial Intelligence, otherwise known as AI, they think about movies such as Terminator or The Matrix, where AI technology takes over the world.

Well, in a sense it is taking over the world, but positively.

AI is increasingly being used to make tasks easier in everyday life. Think about a vacuum cleaner which is referred to as old technology and the AI-powered Room Cleaning Robot or Roombot.

With the Roombot, cleaning homes has become very easy. The robot powers on automatically and cleans the room without any supervision.

Makes life easier, right mom? Of course, it does.

However, when it comes to SEO, AI technology is being developed that will help you get out of the dark ages of manually optimizing your website, to doing all the work for you.

AI technology is being leveraged to increase engagement as the search engines move from Mobile-first to AI-first

Search engines are becoming smarter and you have to keep up with them or get left behind by your competition.

A Candid Look at AI technology

Before you can understand how to use AI for SEO purposes, you must understand what it is with regard to marketing.

The term covers a wide range of technological advances such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and a lot more.

The basic reason why AI is being developed is to make laborious tasks much easier. AI lifts all the weight allowing people to focus on the core functions of their businesses and everyday lives.

When it comes to marketing, Ai has proven to be an effective booster to marketing efforts and has led to increased revenue generation.

Research shows that for 30% of businesses that are currently using AI, there has seen an increase of 6% to 10% in revenue, which is quite amazing.

With AI, a search on google will give you better results based on your search behavior, your location, the device you are using, and a lot of other factors.

AI enables search engines to know users better and curate results according to their specific needs.

This is the reason why businesses should know how to optimize their content for AI-powered search algorithms, such as Google’s RankBrain and BERT.

Understanding AI SEO

You are probably asking yourself what exactly is AI SEO.

Since AI has become an integral part of search engine algorithms, many people think that understanding what it is and how it affects search engines is enough to improve SEO.

Well, that is not the case.

AI helps you collect data that you can use to improve your SEO strategy for better rankings.

AI-powered software such as WooRank and Wordlift can help you identify content gaps and also perform SEO tasks faster, efficiently, and effectively.

AI will help you understand factors such as buying patterns, target markets, and the future behavior of buyers. This is powerful when you are creating content to be disseminated automatically at a future date.

Marketers can plan well in advance and et accurate and successful results.

AI has changed SEO such that it is no longer enough to use appropriate keywords in your content. You must also think about:

  • Context: What is the principal reason that makes users input certain search queries in search engines.?
  • Concepts: What was the idea of the search query based upon?
  • Customer experience: What are the best answers to present to a user when he or she uses certain keywords in a search query?

You must know that the reason why Ai has become so critical is the user experience; it is primarily designed to give the user the best results, in the most palatable manner.

How Can You Leverage AI to Increase Your Ranking?

Yes, we have come to the best part, where you can learn how to use AI SEO to improve the ranking of your website on search engines. Let’s dive right into it.

#1 Discover hidden business or content opportunities with AI SEO

With AI software, you can easily find out secret or hidden ranking opportunities that your competition has missed. Taking advantage of these gaps will substantially increase your ranking.

With these tools, you will be able to find:

  • Keywords that have been overlooked and will help you compete better.
  • Hidden link-building opportunities.
  • What is the user intent for certain keywords?
  • A lot more.

#2 Create effective and targeted content

Now that you have identified hidden opportunities or content gaps, you still have to create optimized content to take advantage of this gap.

With AI SEO, you will hit the bull’s eye, every time, when you create content to meet a specific customer need.

AI SEO will help you determine:

  • The search terms that you can address to make your content more relevant.
  • The optimum length of content for specific keywords.
  • Trending topics of the day or month.

Tools such a BrightEdge are effective in finding keywords that you can use in conjunction with AI to create content that will successfully improve your rankings in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)

In essence, you feed the keyword into the AI software and let it crawl the internet listing all the content that is using that particular keyword, and then you will get results based on the factors mentioned above; content gaps, trending topics, and how you should structure the content.

This way, you can create personalized content that will be more appealing to your readers, and get better rankings in the search engines, when they use the keywords you had input.

AI goes a step further and shows you how to create a series of content pieces that will subtly guide the reader down the sales funnel and make that final purchase, therefore, increasing your revenue.

#3 Optimize your content easily

Traditionally, Search Engine Optimization of content relied on keywords, backlinks, internal links, and a host of other SEO techniques.

These techniques are not obsolete as yet, but they can be performed with more efficiency and effectiveness using AI.

AI also helps you to scale down you’re the time and effort you use when you are optimizing your content.

Since search engines have become much better at figuring out what users are looking for when using certain keywords in their search queries, AI is the best option to help YOU figure out how to best optimize the content for these users.

AI will help you in:

  • Knowing how to use keywords and LSI keywords for maximum impact.
  • Knowing how to structure your content in terms of length and segmentation.
  • Creating topic clusters that will aptly answer these queries, thereby improving your rank.

When you achieve these factors, your content will be more appealing to users, increase how much time they spend reading your content thereby increasing your ranking on search engines; Google considers dwell time when ranking websites in the SERPs.

Apart from enabling you to optimize the content, AI can also be used to write the content engagingly; Consider writing tools such as Grammarly, which is based on AI technology.

Keyword optimization, content repurposing, and other SEO tasks can be difficult and time-consuming.

AI SEO tools can help you achieve this goal with ease since they do the heavy lifting for you:

They can:

  • Perform a site-wide content audit within a matter of minutes.
  • Optimize content automatically.
  • Remove duplicate content from your blog or website.

These are just a few of the tasks that AI-powered SEO tools can undertake for you, so you can improve your search engine rankings without toiling away for months.

#4 Optimize your content for Voice Search

With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), new horizons have opened up when it comes to searches performed using Smart Devices.

A Voice Search gives the user a better experience since it is like a conversation and it is posed as a question. This means that you must optimize your content to meet such questions.

This is the reason why people add questions when they are creating their content.

You should also use AI-powered writing tools such as Grammarly and Hemmingway Editor to create a conversational style of writing in your content.

Frase is another AI tool that helps you see the kind of questions users ask when they use Voice Search so you can include them in your content.

This is probably the reason why How-To content ranks highly on the SERPs because many users use “How to ….” when they perform Voice Searches. For example, ‘How to find the best SEO company in Mumbai?”

One thing that you should note is the competitive nature of Voice Search SEO since the Voice Assistants will only give you one answer, which is the one at the top of the SERPs.

So, you must use AI SEO when you are optimizing your content for Voice Search if you want to have a fighting chance when it comes to ranking high on voice-assisted searches.

#5 Optimize your content for the best user experience

Plant this fact in your mind whenever you are creating content. User Experience is the primary focus of the search engines when it comes to ranking content.

Google has come out and declared that the page experience will be a major factor when it comes to ranking websites on their SERPs during 2021.

You must be wondering what “Page Experience” is, right?

Page Experience is the satisfaction that a user experiences when they visit a page and read the content therein.

It is no longer about the content that you have, but how well it engages and interacts with the reader.

Google’s AI-drive algorithm can think like a human and will therefore gauge how satisfied a reader will be when he or she reads your content.

This is why you need to use AI when you are optimizing your content.

The AI will help you create

  • Pages with authoritative and relevant information.
  • Pages that are easy to navigate
  • Pages that have the proper length and structure.
  • Pages that load fast.
  • Websites that have a mobile-friendly design.

Here is how the algorithms think; the longer a user stays on your website, the better the experience must be. This helps in enabling the search engines to rank you better for user experience.

The points listed above will help you keep users on your website longer, and they will come back for more, thereby improving your ranking.

There are AI SEO tools that “Think” as the search engine algorithms and these are the best when it comes to optimizing your content. Market Brew is a great one to consider.

#6 Revamp your old content

Does it mean that you have to start creating content on your site all over again?

Nope, that is not the case.

With AI-powered SEO tools, you can identify content that is not performing well and see what changes you can include to bring it up to par with the recent standards.

You may find that your website has pages that have absolutely no impact when it comes to ranking, and these can be replaced entirely with the help of AI SEO.

How can you breathe more life into your old or non-performing content?

Go to the free Google Analytics tool, or use the Premium Ahrefs and submit your website so you can find pages that have decreased in impact value or those that had zero effect.

Submit these pages to your AI SEO tool.

The tool will give you various recommendations based on the results of its analysis which will guide you on how to recreate the content so it starts performing well on the SERPs.

IT would be good practice to back up the old pages so you can compare their performance to the new pages that you create.

#7 Optimize your content for Local Search

It is quite a challenging task when you want your business to appear properly in Local Search over a wide range of locations.

When they are not listed properly, then you might lose out when customers are looking for a local outlet to visit.

AI optimization helps get your business properly listed in the Local Search SERPs.

You can use Yext to ensure that any changes to your business listing are accurately reflected in search listings across several different locations.

Take Away

AI optimization is the future. It will not augur well for your business if you ignore the use of AI when optimizing your content to perform well in search engines.

If you want to perform well in the SERPs, then you should start using AI when you are creating and optimizing content for your blog or website.

Make it easy for the current search engine algorithms to rank your page well and you will see a marked improvement in the revenue that you generate from your business.

Take advantage of the fact that people conduct searches on their devices with Voice Search, and make sure you include this task when optimizing your content.

Optimize the design so it is easy to navigate using these smart devices.


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