Neil Patel: Marketing Guru, Online Entrepreneur, and an All-round Nice Guy

Neil Patel

“Oftentimes, in order to catch your dreams, you will have to chase your fears”.

This is one of the most inspiring quotations made by Neil Patel, and it seems to resonate with his own personal story of growth and success.

In the early days, when Patel put out his first website, it was an outright flop.

In a past episode of the Growth Everywhere podcast, he says that at the time, when he started the business, he thought that it was enough to just put out a website, and it would immediately become popular on its own.

He was quickly disappointed with the poor performance of his website, and this is what made him enter in the world of digital marketing.

He had to find ways to popularize his website, and in so doing, became one of the leading personalities in the digital marketing world.

Listen to what he had to say during the podcast.



Neil Patel’s Net Worth

Neil Patel is estimated to have a net worth of over $30 million. (Source –

His entire success is attributed to his online businesses, which include, Crazy Egg and Kissmetrics. He is also known to earn quite a tidy sum from his consulting ventures.

According to Forbes, Neil Patel falls within the list of top 10 digital marketers and is listed as one of the creators of the top 100 most-brilliant companies by Entrepreneur magazine.

Former United States President Barack Obama also recognized Patel for being a top entrepreneur while under the age of 30, and the United Nations also recognized him as being on the list of top entrepreneurs under the age of 35.

Nail Patel also has other companies, such as the free keyword research tool, Ubersuggest, and Neil Patel Digital, the parent company for all his other ventures.

If you want to have a package of SEO advice that will boost your website, then check out the following playlist, which covers a wide range of SEO advice, tips, and tricks from Neil Patel himself:

Who is Neil Patel?

Neil Patel was born on 24th April 1985 in London, England, to Kiran Patel, his father, and Pratima Patel, his mother.

Neil also has a sister, Amee.

In 1987, The family moved from London to Orange County in California. At the time, Neil was just a 2-year-old boy.

It was at the John F. Kennedy High School that Neil started showing his brilliance.

He was an exceptional student during his time and showed a lot of promise of having a successful future.

After finishing high school, Neil was accepted at Yale University in California, where he pursued his first degree.

After that, he started attending the Cypress Community College, and this is where he was bitten by the SEO bug.

It was during his time at the college that he started his illustrious journey into the digital marketing world.

After finishing at the Cypress Community College, Neil joined the California State University in Fullerton, in 2003.

In 2007, he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in marketing.

How to Start A Career in Digital Marketing in 2022 | Digital Marketing Training by Neil Patel

Neil Patel Career

While he was studying at the Cypress Community College, Neil Patel started his consulting career in Search Engine Optimization.

At the age of 16, he started his first website, which was a job board company called Advice Monkey.

The website gained a decent number of followers, and it had a great ranking on Google.

He knew that the business would have uplifted his life at the time but due to financial constraints, he was forced to close it down – he didn’t have enough capital to market the business the way that he wanted to.

In the year 2008, Neil ventured back into the online digital marketing world, by launching CrazyEgg. Crazy Egg was started to be a company offering SEO analytics tools to website owners.

The tools that he launched include the well-renowned:

  • Heat Map
  • Scroll Map
  • Confetti

These tools proved to be useful in that they allowed webmasters to track the performance of their websites and tweak them accordingly, so they could rank high on Google.

Neil Patel – The birth of Kissmetrics

Neil Patel purchased Kissmetrics in 2017. This was an amazing web analytics application, which was a boon to website owners who wanted to see important insights into how users interacted with their websites.

The tool was primarily used by SaaS and e-commerce websites, so they could tweak their sites and the user experience in order to have greater growth.

He also started Neil Patel Digital, which was ideally a digital marketing agency, at around the same time.

Later on, within the same year, 2017, he started Ubersuggest, which became a free tool for keyword research.

Today, Ubersuggest has grown to become more than just a keyword research tool.

You can now analyze your SEO, perform A/B testing, do a competitor analysis, check your backlink health, and a lot more.

Neil Patel Family Life

Although Neil Patel is married to his long-time girlfriend, he has never mentioned her name.

Neil Patel is a very private person when it comes to family life.

It was through a third party that the names of his parents and sister became public knowledge.

However, he has always talked about his children and even created a post about his second-born daughter on Father’s Day.

Anyhow, in May 2019, Neil was blessed with a first-born daughter, and another one in June 2021.

Neil Patel is known to balance family life with his career quite well.

He spends his weekends traveling and having a great time with his wife and children.

They currently own a home in Seattle, Washington.

Neil Patel on Social Media

As a digital marketer, Neil knows that it is crucial to have a vibrant and expansive social media presence.

He is very active on Instagram and Twitter. He also has a healthy social media presence on YouTube, TikTok, and LinkedIn.

Growing his social media profiles was not so difficult, given that he was already well-known within the digital marketing world.

His YouTube channel offers a wide range of advice to all digital marketing professionals.

Important Milestones in Neil Patel’s Life

Being a private man, much is not known about his private life. However, professionally, he has hit several milestones:

Advice Monkey

This was the job board that Neil Started when he was just 16 years of age. His website ranked high on Google when people were looking for jobs and career advice. He had more than 100,000 monthly visitors, but he had to close it since he did not have money to market and monetize the site.

Crazy Egg

This was an online platform offering web analytics to website owners.

Hello Bar

This is a tool that Neil added to his arsenal of keyword tools to boost the performance of Crazy Egg.


Neil purchased Kissmetrics in 2017, which was primarily used to measure user interaction and key insights into the user experience (UX), a primary driver of ranking on Google.

Neil Patel Digital

This was formed as the parent company of his other ventures. It would primarily be his consultation platform, where he got a lot of clients, as a content marketing agency.


This started as a keyword research tool, but has undergone a lot of tweaks over the years and is now a primary analytics and testing tool too.

Marketing School

This is a podcast that Neil co-founded with Eric Siu, a popular entrepreneur. The Marketing School is thought to be the premier digital marketing school that there is in the world today.

Neil Patel in Publishing

In the year 2016, Neil Patel co-authored a book, entitled “Hustle: The Power to Charge Your Life With Money, Meaning, and Momentum.

The book has served as a career guide to many and fell into the bestseller list of both the Los Angeles Times and The New York Times.

Neil Patel Advice and Quotes

  • “Ideas are a dime a dozen” – this was a quote he made after he tried his hands at having a web hosting company. He says that it was the worst investment that he ever made.

The idea was great, but the people who handled it for him were not performers.

He learned that although ideas are always great, it is about the people who help bring that idea to fruition.

  • “Don’t optimize for conversions… Optimize for Revenue” – this was advice he gave to people who simply optimize their website for getting traffic, without going the extra mile to convince the visitors to make a purchase.
  • “Create content that teaches. You can’t give up. You need to be consistently awesome” – this was advice he offered to people who want to know how to become successful within a short time. You need to teach your audience something, and you have to be awesome as you do so – consistently!
  • “Someday is a dangerous word” – this is a piece of advice that resounds quite well with people who procrastinate. You must do it when it should be done, and not put it off to be completed at a future date.
  • “You can get bitter, or you can get busy” – this is great advice to people who have experienced some form of loss as they have gone about starting an online venture.

The idea is not to wallow in bitterness but to learn a lesson and get busy building on what you have learned.

Key Lessons to be learned from Neil Patel

  • Mastering SEO will make you RICH

Given that Neil has built his online empire through digital marketing, then it must be true that if you get to know how to perform SEO on your website, then you can get rich.

However, you could also take your SEO knowledge and build tools that you can sell to other SEO professionals and make a financial killing.

Neil has made his fortunes, by understanding SEO and using it to create tools for webmasters, and also to teach about SEO.

  • SEO is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

You have to be in the long game to succeed in SEO. The problem with most people is that they want SEO to work within a week or so.

Looking at how he made his fortunes, you can see that Neil has also had several failures in his career.

Therefore, you must be in the run for the long term. Do not give up simply because you are facing some difficulties in the short term

  • Consistency is key

Neil Patel has always talked about consistency. He has also lived up to his words.

Neil Patel has almost 5,000 posts on his blog.

He is a consistent blogger and always has something, new or repurposed to offer his audience. He is also active on his YouTube Channel, where you can learn a lot from the videos that he posts.

He always has something for his audience, and this keeps him constantly in their attention.

Having a great following is also about being consistent in giving them something to read, watch or hear.

  • Give back to your community

Most online entrepreneurs think about how they can earn money from their customers, but do not think about how they can give something back and reward these followers.

Neil Patel is known to give back to the community.

How does he do this?

Well, Ubersuggest is a powerful tool that many people think should be a premium tool.

Although there are premium packages in Ubersuggest, there are a lot of free tools that his followers can use to help improve their ranking on Google.

Now that is giving back to the same community that builds a lot of revenue for his other businesses.

There are many other digital marketing professionals that you can follow, but Neil Patel is one that you should check out to learn what it takes to become successful as a digital marketer.

Notable YouTube Videos by Neil Patel

Here are some videos that make Neil Patel stand out as one of the leading marketing gurus in the world today.

Check them out and learn something about how you can boost your business.

7 Landing Page Hacks That’ll Double Your Sales | AWasia 2017

Affiliate Summit West 2019 – Keynote Neil Patel


Neil Patel is a prominent figure within the digital marketing world.

He is one of the main reasons why so many people pursue a career in digital marketing.

He has served as a source of inspiration to a multitude of bloggers and online entrepreneurs.

He is also an amazing teacher.

Neil Patel is a person to admire and look up to.

If you have any insights or personal experiences to share about the personal and professional life of Neil Patel, please share them with us in the comments section.

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