Samuel Quincy Edwards: What Makes Him A Bright Rising Star in the Digital Marketing World?

Samuel Quincy Edwards

Samuel Quincy Edwards is a name that many in the digital marketing world may not quickly recognize.

Oddly enough, Samuel has been working in digital marketing for more than 9 years.

Of course, compared to other notable personalities like Neil Patel, he seems to be quite young in the industry, but he has quickly made his mark as a formidable marketer, who specializes in organic and paid search marketing, data analytics, and online reputation management.

Professional Life of Samuel Quincy Edwards

Currently, Samuel is the Chief Marketing Officer for, which specializes in link building, search marketing, and creating white label content.

The company is based in Seattle.

One thing that quickly stands out about Samuel is the fact that he has worked with many of the big names in the digital commerce arena.

We are talking about companies like Crayola, Vlasic, eBay, Duncan Hines, NASDAQ, CBS, OMX, Amnesty International, Cape Cod Potato Chips, BAE Systems, GMAC, CarMax, FreshBooks, Flower beauty, Expedia, Price Benowitz, Birthright Israel, and LLP, just to name a few.

Now, you can see that this somewhat young digital marketer has been trusted to work with some of the biggest companies in the world, and his star continues rising as he gives inspiring talks on TEDx Talks.



The Three Lessons Every Entrepreneur Should Learn | Samuel Edwards

When he is not working, Samuel offers knowledge and skills to students, through the Junior Achievements and the T. Howard Foundation.

He also offers his expertise to small businesses through the SCORE Mentorship Program.

So, what is so cool about Samuel Quincy Edwards?

Samuel works with data analytics, statistics, and ad variations to have a deeper understanding of how people use search engines.

When you know how users are using the search engines, then you can forecast the kind of keywords that they will be using, and incorporating these search terms within your content could quickly propel your business to the top of the search engines.

Well, after going through some of his talks on TEDx, you can see the genius and approach that he uses, when creating advertisements for his clients.

Notable quotes and thoughts from Samuel Quincy Edwards.

To understand why Samuel Quincy Edwards has risen so fast in the digital marketing world, we can look at some of the insights that he uses to offer a new way of marketing, that seems to be working very well.

Insight Number 1 – Check in your ego at the door

Many times, marketers tend to be rigid. They come into a new organization or start a new business, and they think that they know it all.

They think that they are such a big deal.

Samuel says that he quickly had to let go of the notion that he was a young and successful entrepreneur to be successful in his later years.

At one time, when creating ads for testing as to which would be the most successful, his boss told him to create variations of the ads.

He did not like that and he thought that it was a waste of time and resources.

He thought that his ads would succeed, and those suggested by his boss would be a total flop.

Well, after the ad campaign launched, he got a shocker. All his ads failed, and the only reason that there was some degree of success, was because of the ad variations that the boss suggested.

Key takeaway – he learned that he did not know everything, and he was ready to learn. You should stop thinking that you know it all in the digital marketing world, and learn from others to get an advantageous edge in this competitive field.

Insight number 2 – Get rid of your self-limitations

Digital marketing is quite competitive and complicated, and sometimes people easily limit themselves when it comes to attaining a high rank within the search engines and generating higher organic traffic.

People always have reasons to justify why they are not going after what they want to achieve, especially when it becomes too difficult.

You might end up saying that you do not have enough resources or skills to pursue your goals beyond a certain point.

You will do the simple stuff, and then quietly marinate in one position for a long time, experiencing little or no growth.

This should not be the case.

Success, for you as a new entrepreneur or small business owner, should not be about the number of resources that you have, but it should be about how resourceful YOU can be as an individual.

Key Takeaway – It is high time that you realized that you are imposing limitations on yourself, that are hindering the growth of your business.

When you sit down and ament that you do not have the time to work as you should because you have kids, shopping, and other activities, then you are not being resourceful as a person. You need to organize yourself, so you can have a reachable set of goals, given the time that you can provide for your business.

It is time to get resourceful as a person if you want to be successful in your business.

Insight Number 3 – Create your own opportunities

Many people go through life waiting for n opportunity to happen.

Well, sometimes this works out for their benefit, and other times it does not.

The one thing that always seems to work, is when you go out and actively create your opportunity, by passionately following your goals.

Almost every success story talks about how there was a focused and passionate pursuit of that success.

Well, this is still the case, even in the digital marketing world.

Key Takeaway – You must be passionate about achieving your goals. This is the only way that you can create opportunities that will lead to the success of your endeavor.

Whether you are starting a new business, or you want to be a writer for Forbes, you must create opportunities for yourself, by passionately following the end goal – to be a successful entrepreneur or Forbes writer, in this example.

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In conclusion

The passion that Samuel Quincy Edwards has employed in his relatively short career in digital marketing, has put him in a position where businesses are actively seeking him out to do their marketing for them.

He has learned how to listen and earn, how to be resourceful as an individual, and how to create his own opportunities as he chases his dream to become one of the greatest digital marketers.


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