Lorrie Thomas Ross: A Look at The Life of The Marketing Therapist

Lorrie Thomas Ross

Growing a business online has a lot to do with the mindset of the business owner.

For your company to thrive well, you must have a strategy that addresses the cause, so all the marketing pieces fit together to form a formidable, sound process.

How lovely it would be if digital marketing could be stress-free, with healthy campaigns that promote the well-being of the marketer in the process.

Today’s marketing techniques can be challenging and can cause a lot of stress for the business owner. This leads to a situation where business owners become a danger to themselves and others.

This may be a strange concept for traditional marketers, but it is possible.

Many people operate in an environment where there is an unrealistic expectation of perfection, without embracing uncertainty.

Marketers and business owners should try to embrace several solutions, instead of trying to perfect “the right one”.

There should be more emphasis on individual growth, in the process of marketing, rather than giving in to the pressures of proving a point to others.

There is the need to consider other “healthy” marketing ideas, with a focus on long-term results, rather than stressful short-term gains.

The more you embrace ideas by trying several things, the more opportunities you create for success.

So how do you achieve a healthy marketing strategy?

Enter Lorrie Thomas Ross.

Lorrie is a marketing optimization expert, coach, educator, advisor, and lifestyle business owner, who epitomizes what it means to have a healthy life when running a business.

She is the founder of Web Marketing Therapy Inc. and Wild Web Women.

She is known as, “The Marketing Therapist“, for her healthy, healing approach to marketing.

With her two enterprises, she provides diagnostic processes, which prescribe and guide healthy sustainable marketing solutions.

Let us take a look at the life and times of Lorrie Thomas Ross and how she built her marketing therapy business.



A Quick Glance at The Life and Times of Lorrie Thomas Ross

Lorrie Thomas Ross is a marketing optimization expert, speaker, educator, coach, and advisor.

She is the CEO of Web Marketing Therapy Inc., a marketing optimization, management, and training firm, where you can get “The Right Prescription to Move Your Marketing in The Best Direction”.

She is also the founder and CEO of Wild Web Women, a coaching and marketing support company, that focuses on helping women entrepreneurs to grow gorgeously.

She says that she unapologetically loves helping leaders lead themselves.

Her quest for finding ways to get organizations to embrace the right path to success led to the formation of World Marketing Therapy Inc.

She was sick and tired of seeing entrepreneurs and small businesses struggle with their digital marketing endeavors, and ultimately falling prey to outsourcing organizations that fed them products and services that were not in tune with their unique marketing needs.

Her passion is to make small businesses big on the web.

She frequently graces podiums to speak on a number of marketing-related subjects and teaches custom courses for corporate entities.

She has also penned a book, “The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course to Online Marketing

The Five Factors for Marketing Success

Ross has an extensive background in marketing and education, which has turned her into a marketing evangelist. She has coined the term, “markeding®” – a mashup of the words Marketing + Education to pave the way to helping more organizations, leaders and marketers approach marketing in a service-centric education-centered way.

She is at the helm of the peaceful revolution on how people and companies envisage and approach marketing.

She advises people to approach marketing in an ethical way, having a pure, educational purpose, which in turn, helps people understand why they should partake of the company’s products and services.

This peaceful process takes away the stress of marketing and helps “good” organizations overcome their fear of marketing and achieve more in the game.

Lorrie has been featured in the media as a marketing expert from renowned publications such as Inc., Forbes, Fast Company, Entrepreneur, and SUCCESS Magazine.

In 1999, Lorrie launched her internet-focused career by being a founding team member at an online advertising network.

Today, she says that she is a recovering advertising salesperson, who still has recurring nightmares about the tacky, obnoxious, and flashy banner advertisements that she sold to people.

She has a wealth of experience earned from working for major corporate brands and also startup organizations,

She is a tried-and-tested pioneer in the digital marketing world.

Her unique perspective is informed by the experience she got while working through the dot-com boom, dot-com bust, and today’s social and mobile-driven world.

Lorrie is a holder of a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications and a Master’s Degree in Organizational Management, both from Antioch University.

Lorrie Thomas Ross Career Path – An Awakening Journey to Stress-Free Marketing

Lorrie Thomas Ross has had an interesting career in marketing, and her experiences are what led her to come up with a stress-free approach to marketing.

She saw just how traditional digital marketing was stressing people as they strived to attain perfection, a process that was not healthy for the marketers.

Today, she is a champion for healthy and sustainable digital marketing initiatives.

Let us look at how her career evolved into what it is today.

Saks Fifth Avenue

In 1998, Lorrie joined Saks Fifth Avenue as an Assistant Manager. Saks is a leading online destination store for luxury fashion and fashion accessories items. The company was started in 1924 and offers a one-of-a-kind shopping experience.


In 1999, Lorrie joined ValueClick as an Account Executive. ValueClick was a personalized digital marketing solutions provider, which later rebranded twice to Conversant Inc, and finally Epsilon.

She worked at the company for one year before leaving in the year 2000.


In November 2000, Lorrie joined CallWave as the National Sales Manager.

CallWave was a leading provider of Internet and mobile-based unified communications solutions. The company developed CallWave FUZE, a technology that enables seamless high-definition online collaboration between mobile and desktop users.

The company was purchased by ThnkingPhones in 2015, which was then added to 8X8.

In March 2003, Lorrie was promoted to Marketing Manager at CallWave.

She left the company in December 2004.

Affinity Group Inc

In December 2004, joined Affinity Group Inc, as an Internet Marketing Manager.

She stayed at the company for 10 months before leaving in September 2005.

UC Berkeley Extension

In June 2004, Lorrie started offering private consultancy services as an Instructor for Web Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and Search Engine Marketing Classes for UC Berkely Extension.

She was an instructor at the institution till the year 2010.

All her private consultancy clients and students learned the tools to think critically when implementing online marketing techniques. They were able to identify opportunities and develop plans that were in tune with their individual business needs and marketing goals.

Author, The 36-Hour Course: Online Marketing

In December 2010, Lorrie enlisted the educational publisher McGraw-Hill to design her book, “The 36-Hour Course: Online Marketing“. The book was targeted at students, entrepreneurs, small business owners, marketing professionals, and corporations who wanted to create better marketing strategies and campaigns.

Web Marketing Therapy Inc.

In December 2005, Lorrie founded Web Marketing Therapy Inc. and has held the position of CEO till today.

The company is a pioneer of a revolutionary approach to digital marketing, which allows people to conduct long-lasting marketing strategies without the inherent stress.

Lorrie Thomas Ross: The Teacher and Entrepreneur

Lorrie Thomas Ross is a great teacher as well as an Entrepreneur. She has built a powerful consultancy and coaching business, through her three websites, which are:

Lorrie Thomas Ross – The Marketing Therapist

Through this website, she puts forth programs that are fun, functional, and truly effective when it comes to digital marketing.

The website focuses on:

  • Coaching Programs – These are designed to help people root, sow and grow businesses that support healthy, happy, and wealthy lives.
  • Marketing Optimization – These are full-service marketing optimization offerings that diagnose, prescribe, and guide sustainable marketing solutions.
  • Speaking and Training – these are fun, and value-rich talks which inspire audiences to take action and grow their businesses.

The company has been featured on Inc., Fast Company, Forbes Entrepreneur and Success Magazines.

Wild Web Women

This is an online company that focuses more on women entrepreneurs so they can grow their businesses gorgeously.

The company is also based on certain principles, which are:

  • Rooting your business – women entrepreneurs must give their businesses a firm rooting. With a rooted business, all efforts are on-purpose, on-brand, and align with what matters most.
  • Sowing business seeds – You need to sow seeds that will grow the business to your wildest potential or expectation. The company helps women develop healthy internet business practices, helping them invest in their long-term success.
  • Growth – Building a business is a journey that should support the life you want and deserve. The company helps people do the self-work that builds self-worth so they can attain their full potential.
  • Happiness in business – Women need to know how to architect their businesses to be more aligned with what makes them happy.
  • Health in business – Businesses need to support wellness and health, and women will learn this through the programs offered on the site.
  • Wealthy business ownership – The company takes you through the processes you need to implement in order to be wealthy. Learn to sell better and work smarter.

Web Marketing Therapy Inc.

This is a full-service agency that specializes in marketing support and optimization. It gets clients on the right path to success.

The focus is to put the pieces of your unique marketing puzzle together so it clicks and works to the benefit of your business.

The services offered are:

  • Advisory services – The company comes in and gives you the best advice to grow your business faster.
  • Training services – the company can come in and train your employees on how to work together for the overall best performance of the business.
  • Marketing Management Services – the company helps you in managing your marketing exploits so you get the best results.

These three companies are the cornerstone of Lorrie’s teaching and entrepreneurship business.

She also has some very interesting videos on YouTube, that touch on some core issues of having a successful business, that will not cause you stress.

The videos are short and inspirational and tell you more about why she does what she does, and the benefits that you stand to gain from taking part in the services she offers.

Here are links to some of these short videos:

The VIP Marketing and Coaching Program for Digital Entrepreneurs

If you want to know why you should join the VIP Marketing and Coaching Program, and what you will gain, you should check out this inspirational video.

Transformational Retreats for Intentional Women Business Owners

Lorrie holds several transformational retreats for intentional business owners.

These retreats are not your usual rearrests, as they are held out in nature. The video explains very well, why the retreats are beneficial to women entrepreneurs, and the reason why Lorrie holds them out in nature.

You will be amazed!

Lorrie Thomas Ross: The Author

Apart from teaching at classes or speaking at public events, Lorrie has also put what she knows about online marketing into a handy, easy-to-follow, and powerful book.

The book has been hailed as one of the easiest ways to master the intricacies of online marketing.

The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course: Online Marketing

(McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Courses) 1st Edition.

The book is available in both Paperback and Kindle versions.

The book is a crash course on the most dynamic marketing platform in the world today.

Online Marketing has come a long way from the flashy website designs and banner ads, screaming out to customers about various products and services.

Today, online marketing is all about using a set of internet tools to build your visibility and credibility. They are the best way to spread your message and cultivate a meaningful relationship with your customers.

The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course: Online Marketing book, puts you on the short path to connecting with the power of the internet for your marketing goals.

It all starts with planning and building a website, and then proceeds to give in-depth coverage of the basic and essential marketing tools and techniques that you should know about.

These include:

  • Content marketing and blogging
  • Social media marketing
  • Web analytics
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • E-mail marketing
  • Online Public Relations

At the end of the book, you get a chance to earn a Certificate of Achievement through a free online examination

The book spells out what you need to know in an easy-to-understand manner, and provides you with actionable steps.

By buying the book, you will be well on your way to achieving web marketing mastery.

Prominent People Who Recommend Lorrie Thomas Ross

Lorrie has helped many individuals and business owners in coming up with successful marketing strategies. She is known to come in and turn around existing ineffective marketing strategies into well-oiled processes that yield results quickly.

Here are some of the people who have worked with Lorrie and her team, the experiences they went through, and their recommendations.

Andy Stevenson (Senior Marketing and Digital Executive)

Andy Stevenson

Senior Marketing and Digital Executive at Academic Superstore, and was a client of Lorrie’s.

At the time he hired Lorrie, Andy had realized that their affiliate program at Academic Superstore had a significant upside.

The company was lean on resources, so he decided to search for a consultant who could edit their efforts and make recommendations for improvement.

He had previously hired Lorrie when she worked for Affinity Group, and he remembered the tremendous results and reputation that she had built there. He, therefore, decided to call on her for consultancy services.

Lorrie and her team at “Wild Women Web”, expeditiously powered through a comprehensive audit, picking apart their efforts and those of their competitors. She then came up with several new opportunities, which took into consideration the fact that Academic Superstore needed to maintain a lot of the good work that they were already doing.

Suffice it to say that after Andy implemented several of her recommended solutions, their affiliate sales rose by more than 200%.

So successful was Lorrie and her team in their recommendations that Andy decided to keep them on and have them continue building their affiliate network and also start expanding their blogging and public relations endeavors.

Lorrie and her team tapped into their vast skills and experience, coupled with enthusiasm, and continued producing great results for Academic Superstore.

He HIGHLY recommends working with Lorrie.

Anne Levine (Law School Admission Consultant & Author) 

Ann Levine

Author and Law School Admissions Consultant at Law School Expert.

Anne Levine is the founder of Law School Expert, a consultancy that helps people get into law school. The process of getting admission into law schools is challenging and through Law School Expert, many have managed to get acceptance with less stress.

When Anne hired Lorrie, her business grew in leaps and bounds. For three years, Anne had struggled to try to figure out how to use the Internet to promote her business, losing thousands of dollars in the process.

Anne says that working with Lorrie has saved her thousands in terms of expenses, and grown her revenue by over 40%.

After working with Lorrie for 5 months, she had a state-of-the-art website, which rose to become one of the most popular law school advice blogs in the nation. – and it costs her absolutely nothing to run, which was also one of Lorrie’s recommendations.

She later started a new component to her business, Pre-Law Experts.

She also has a company managing her PPC and SEO campaigns and a host of other dreams and ideas, which she knows Lorrie will help her put in place.

She says that she plans to continue benefitting from Lorrie’s expertise, for as long as she is in business.

She goes ahead and adds a little extra in her recommendations.

She proclaims that Lorrie is much more than an expert. She is a powerful, encouraging, dynamic and positive business leader.

She is quick to respond to all emails and calls back almost immediately, like someone who has to work 24/7.

The most important thing is that Lorrie “gets” Anne’s business, and what she is all about. Lorrie is extremely ethical, empathizes about costs, and truly enjoys working with her clients. She makes the whole process fun.

She thanks Lorrie and recommends her very highly.

Yuksel Ulgen (Data Analyst at Tobii AB) 

Yuksel Ulgen

Yuksel is a Data Analyst at Tobii AB an eye-tracking software developer in Stockholm, Sweden.

Yuksel reported directly to Lorrie.

Yuksel says that Lorrie is the person who introduced her to marketing, and the reason why she is very passionate about the marketing profession.

She says that Lorrie is one of the most fun, lively and enthusiastic instructors that she has ever met.

She took part in two courses offered by Lorrie, and she says that she will participate in more in the future. Reason? Because she knows Lorrie follows recent developments in the marketing industry, and never limits herself to the same content.

She was amazed at how Lorrie taught about so many things, used very many examples, and made the class internalize everything that she mentioned, without participants experiencing any form of exhaustion in the 3-hour classes.

She carefully chose specific examples, that enabled Yuksel to have a deeper understanding of the subject matter. She was also able to create connections between the theoretical information that Lorrie was giving, with the real-world applications in business life.

Due to her interaction with Lorrie, she has now added social media, search engine marketing, and web marketing to her interests.

Wei Wang (Senior Legal Counsel – Crypto Intelligence) 

Wei Wang

Wei is a Senior Legal Counsel, Crypto Intelligence and TRM Labs, a Digital Asset Compliance & Risk Management firm in the Crypto world.

In the year 2011, Wei reported directly to Lorrie.

She says that Lorrie is an exceptional and inspiring leader, and it was a pleasure to work with her.

According to Wei, Lorrie is the epitome of a “Go-Getter”, who shows her team how to succeed by setting examples for them to follow.

Lorrie is tireless and has an exceptional passion for her work, and it makes sense for Wei to look up to her.

Wei goes on to say that Lorrie is not only ab extraordinary public speaker, who is able to capture the attention and imagination of her audience but is also a great mentor to her team and clients.

Wei has watched Lorrie work with her clients and has seen the sparkle light up in the clients’ eyes when they finally feel that they have understood how they can leverage their web marketing endeavors to grow their businesses.

Lorrie is a person who puts her brain and her heart into her work, which makes people feel that their issues are well taken care of by a true and tested marketing expert, who is also a friend.

She proclaims that Lorrie is a truly inspirational leader to everyone she works with, and this is the reason why people naturally gravitate toward her.

Jon Rognerud (Owner at ChaosMap Digital Marketing Agency)  

Jon Rognerud

Jon is the founder of ChaosMap Digital Marketing Agency, and at one time worked with Lorrie in the same team.

Jon specializes in B2B Marketing, Mentorship, PPC, SEO, Facebook and Google Consultancy, and Scaling companies for growth, purchase, and exit.

He is also featured in Entrepreneur, Yahoo, Business Insider, and Huffington Post.

Jon has worked with Lorrie on several occasions on small and large client projects, and several speaking engagements too.

Jon said that not only was he impressed with her in-depth knowledge and passion for marketing and the web, but the personals and people-oriented approach that she used as well.

He says that her biggest strength lies in planning and having a commitment to results through leadership, strategy, and delivery.

She works to ensure that the two teams on both ends know what is expected of them, and even when the projects seem to be complex, Lorrie has an uncanny way of making them seem easy… and fun at the same time.

Jon says that it is not often that you find people with this unique combination of talent and experience, and he, therefore, recommends her highly.

Alexandra Gélis – Gabalda (Co-Founder at Teuko, the community for families who pack lunch) 

Alexandra Gélis - Gabalda

Alexandra is a co-founder at Teuko, a community for people who love having packed lunches. The company shares a lot of ideas on how to pack lunch for kids, and other events, such as picnics, etc.

Alexandra was once a client of Lorrie’s

When Alexandra decided to attend Lorrie’s social media class at UC Berkley, she did not expect to meet an instructor who would highly influence her stay in the bay area. This was the area that was her passion when it came to social media marketing.

Alexandra was very impressed with the depth of experience and knowledge that Lorrie brought to the table in just a single day of classes.

Lorrie is a person who loves what she does, and her energy and enthusiasm inspired Alexandra to the point where she decided to continue learning about social media marketing on her own time.

She continued to attend more classes and was able to bring what she learned to her business, which subsequently flourished.

Alexandra says that Lorrie makes things very easy to understand and so concrete, that you get out of her class with a wealth of ideas on what to do and how to begin conducting social media marketing for your own business needs.

Lisa Angle  The right Angle to help you write ✏ and sell your story 📃

Lisa Angle

Lisa is the founder of Ninety Degrees Media, a company that helps people find the right angle to help them write and sell their stories… Not a PUN!!

Lisa was at one time a client of Lorrie’s

She says that when she met Lorrie, she had just finished an online marketing class at SBCC.

She says that she got a lot out of Lorrie’s class and she could tell from the threads posted by other students, that they were also enthusiastic about the knowledge that they were gaining too.

Lorrie always gave positive feedback and encouraged her students.

Lisa has also attended some other seminars where Lorrie was presenting, and she says that Lorrie is always confident and professional as a public speaker. She always conveys a wealth of information, topped with a healthy sprinkling of humor.

If you ever have a chance of listening to her or taking her classes, then Lisa recommends that you do so.

If you have not come across such an opportunity, then you should definitely join her Wild Web Women group or follow her Web Marketing Therapy blog. You will truly be inspired by her abundant wisdom.

In Conclusion

Lorrie Thomas Ross is a great marketer, who has dedicated herself to helping people come up with successful marketing strategies, that are not stressful.

If you have ever tried to carry out a marketing campaign, you know that it can require a lot of financial resources, as well as time.

If done improperly, the resultant stress can be harmful to your health.

Lorrie is well-known for her creative ability to diagnose problems and help pick out effective marketing solutions, in a way that is easy for anyone, whether a noob or a pro, to understand and gain from.

This is why you should be inspired by Lorrie, and the steps she has taken to ensure that digital marketing is less stressful and highly successful for small businesses and other entrepreneurs.

Lorrie is also a great speaker, and you should take the time to listen to some of her videos on various topics related to digital marketing.


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