Stretch Your Mental Health With Sweta Srivastava –


Do you believe in mental fitness and mental stability?

It is always said that Health is Wealth.

This PinkPreneur believes that you need to constantly monitor your health while working for wealth.

She runs many shows and camps just to educate others in the area of health management and fitness awareness.

Yes, I am talking about Sweta Srivastava, the sole founder and strategist at

She collects and brings stories to our desk to make us learn how important it is to maintain our well -being.

About Sweta Srivastava Vikram 

  • Early Life

Sweta Srivastava Vikram is born and brought up in India besides the foot hills of Himalaya.

Currently she resides at New York City.

She has chosen her career into providing and practicing mindful, physical and mental activities.

They focused upon how to balance the peace of mind at par.

She considers herself a perpetual student of life.

The early life journey begins with:

  • Education and Learning

1993-1996: She has completed her Bachelor’s Degree from Fergusson College.

1997-1998: She has been University Topper at SNDT University. AttainedMaster’s Degree in Sports Nutrition.

1999: She has learnt Photoshop, Flash and Dreamweaver from Web Designing and Interactive Multi Media Institute of Mumbai.

2003-2005: Learnt the nuances and intermediate principles of Business Management from Robert Gordon University.

2006: Learnt basic principles of Strategic Communication from Columbia University in the city of New York.

2016: She further updated herself with a quick Digital Marketing Course to analyze and implement the same in her own business.

Work Experience

2010: She is currently working at Wellness-oriented digital storyteller as Content Strategist, Writing Coach, Certified Holistic Health Counselor and Socialpreneur

2006: She was Marketing Manager at NYSSCPA for 5 yrs. She initiated social media presence of the firm, using part of $5 million dollar budget.

2005: She worked as a Marketing Consultant at Eli’s Collection for duration of 1 yr.

2002-2005: She was employed as Marketing Manager for Three years at Arya’s collection where she revamped the marketing strategy, by targeting the brand’s messages to the needs of different audience segments.

  • Major Agenda

The major agenda is to listen to the stories and contribute significantly in helping them transforming their lives.

She has a gift of gab and that makes her a motivational and healthy orator.

  • Influencing Personality

She lectures and provide yoga and health related trainings to C-suite executives, entrepreneurs, employees and organizational members at helm.

In fact, many companies stated that they have witnessed increased production and high margin profits after regularly practicing yoga.

About NimmiLife

Sweta Srivastava is the CEO-Founder of NimmiLife.

On this platform, she communicates the story of transformation of various women and empower them to work endless with a tinge of physical health and exercises.

With her win over words, she gives compassion and heal from trauma using Ayurveda and storytelling models.

  • Special Trainings

To your surprise, she prefers to teach yoga and mental practices with sexually assaulted women. She provides special training to the women who have faced domestic violence frequently.

  • Workshops

Sweta arranges plethora of workshops and seminars that fit the need of every audience in congenial way. Her workshops are subject to creativity, sharpness, compassion, lowering the stress level that boosts optimism in every nerves of the brain.

  • One-on-One Consulting

One-to-one consulting is the best and most appropriate way of addressing the problems of customers and delivering them with viable solutions. Sweta has worked with various corporate folks, business professionals and executives, MOMpreneurs and visual artists to provide high end one to one consulting services.

Around the Skills

  • Books and poetry

Sweta, the Multi- Tasker has published more than 12 + books in area of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

She has built her own castle in poetry writing.

She has given talks all around the globe in more than nine countries across three continents.

  • Writes regularly

Sweta has even shared her words with The New York Times, MindBodyGreen, DoYouYoga, Cure Joy, and Sivana amongst other spaces.

She regularly writes articles and poems on mindfulness, mindset shifts, mind power, health and wellness, and women’s empowerment.

She never leaves to deliver her talks at companies, colleges, literary events and women’s empowerment circles.

  • Understands the other entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, Sweta understands the pressure, obesity problems and deadlines hanging over an employee.

But she is so innovative that she always comes up with a unique solution of health wellness to boost up their memory and charge up their energy.

This ultimately improves their performance at work place.

She often counsels the solutions for some complex problems.

She has also noticed that because of lack of sleep, the stress level and problem of obesity increases.

An individual requires 6 hours of sound sleep for better energy and sound performance.

Life Lessons shared by Sweta Srivastava

We are the creator and designer of our own life.

We learnt sometimes from others and something from our own failures.

And these teachings often leave us with an ever- lasting impact on mind.

Sweta Srivastava has listed below few of her life lasting principles that she has imbibed with and trying to persuade more people in that are:

      Use time more precisely and judiciously

It is often said that time is money which is rightly true.

Plan, predict and Implement.

A successful person stands on the wheel of time optimization.

You need to productively utilize and prioritize your time for a healthy and wealthy future.

So use it wisely and optimally.

      Strive towards improving the living standard of yourself

Always strive over improving the life style – from dreams till actions.

Your improved version will automatically change your attitude and habits of thinking and analyzing. Your profession must match with your living standard if you wish to meet high end personalities.

      Build more and more healthy plus long term relationships

Healthy networking add a sense of value and goodwill to your performance. You need to act as a liaison to communicate with external parties and build more of long term relationships.

You are sometimes judged on the basis of company you keep with.

Focus on bridge building and stay in contact with all your clients and customers.

      Focus on career longevity and steps to success

Don’t wait for someone to give you a forceful push.

You need to push yourself in order to seek the exposure from multiple arena.

Focus on how long and what’s next in your career path.

This is a lane to innovation – leading to fruitful success.

      Lower the stress, higher the work

Stress free working is one of the most imperative concept.

If an individual works in a conducive environment, his productivity is bound to increase and production is bound to flourish.

Higher the flexibility, Higher will be the performance.


  • Sweta is recognized as one of the most influencing women who contributed significantly in transforming the world by her books – Conversations Mag.
  • She was nominated as “Better American Poetry in 2017 at US for “I Write,” “Wait for Me,” and “Fifty Minutes from New Delhi”.
  • Omega Women’s Leadership Center offered a spot in Juno Leadership Residency Program, 2017
  • Nominated for prestigious Split The Rock Award, for her poem, “Working Girl,” 2016
  • Nominated for Pushcart Prize, 2015, for “Nickname and Nectar”
  • Won International Poetry Award, 2015 in UK
  • Eligible for prestigious Bread Loaf Writer’s Conference, 2014, US
  • Asian Fusion voted as “One of the most influential Asians of our time”
  • Nominated as “Superwoman” from the collection of “No Ocean Here”
  • Awarded with the Joan Jacobson Scholarship, Fiction, Wesleyan Writers Conference, 2013, US
  • One of her poem “Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome” is selected as script for AIDS awareness film: The Dawn
  • Selected by the Queens Council on the Arts as a participant for the 2012 “Build Your Own Business for Writers Program”
  • Short listed for Independent Literary Awards 2011, US, “Beyond the Scent of Sorrow”
  • Nominated for Asian American Members’ Choice Awards 2011, “Kaleidoscope: An Asian Journey of Colors”
  • Poem “Enough” was nominated for Best of the Net 2011 Nominations
  • Winner of the Azsacra International Poetry Award, 2011, at Russia
  • Nominated for Pushcart Prize, 2011 at US for Not All Birds Sing
  • Wesleyan Scholarship for the Wesleyan Writers Conference, 2011
  • Pushcart Prize, 2010, US, nominated her for Kaleidoscope: An Asian Journey of Colors
  • Short listed for Unisun Poetry Prize, 2010, India
  • Voted as “One of the Most Influential Asians of Our Times,” and as a five-time Pushcart Prize-nominated writer.



To all the workaholics here, snatch some time out of your loaded work and stretch your mental health for better performance and positive environment. Because work and mental peace go hand in hand.


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