Harsh Agarwal: An ordinary engineering student to being the CEO of ShoutDreams

Harsh Agarwal

Ever been frustrated with your 9 to 5 job?

I’m pretty sure every working professional has been there not just once but many times in their lives.

But are you willing to leave everything and be your own boss?

If you’ve answered yes, this is what you should be reading right now.

This story isn’t about a multi-million-dollar start-up, but of an ordinary college student who became his own boss through the power of blogging.

Let’s discover the fantastic story of award-winning Blogger Harsh Agarwal.

The journey from a call centre employee to a blog scientist

The struggles of early life

Harsh Agarwal is an award-winning blogger and the founder of ShoutMeLoud.

His company is a part of the movement that aims at liberating every human being from their monotonous 9 to 5 jobs.

ShoutMeLoud is therefore not just a blog but a community and platform for like-minded bloggers. But constructing a successful blog isn’t as easy as it seems.

Just like other students of his batch, Harsh was an ordinary engineering student who was passionate about technology and computing.

He completed his graduation and was lucky enough to be placed in one of the front-running IT companies.

Filled with enthusiasm about his field, Harsh joined a call centre in the spare time he had before joining his campus job.

And it was then that he started blogging as a hobby. However, seldom did he know that it would be the turning point of his life.

Struck by the passion for blogging

I’m pretty sure that you’ll agree with me on this.

Most of the first-time bloggers start writing on platforms such as blogger or Blogspot.

And so did Harsh, but with the responses he started receiving from his first blog, he soon moved to WordPress.

Purchasing the very first domain

Still, in his struggling phase, Harsh borrowed some money from his friends and invested in a domain name.

One of the most challenging tasks was choosing a domain name that was catchy to read and added a branding value.

After many thoughtful days, the idea of ShoutMeLoud finally took shape.

Building a connection through blogging

I’m sure by now you’re curious to know how a tech enthusiast found his writing niche in personal experiences and digital marketing ?

Harsh Agarwal did write about tech in his initial days of blogging, but this gradually slid towards building his connection with people and sharing personal experiences.

The turn of events soon took place, and with a few experimental writing pieces and learning experiences, ShoutMeLoud found its niche.

Want to know a fun fact?

Even after all this, Harsh had no clue how to make money from blogging.

He started blogging out of fun and connecting with people.

But there was one thing that Harsh Agarwal swore by.

He was constantly reading day and night and learning how to improve his blog.

He read about SEO, AdSense, experimented and gradually added Adsense to his website.

3 Powerful Tips for Blogging Success

The excitement of first earning

Harsh Agarwal’s first income was $10, which he earned while helping someone fix their WordPress error.

After the implementation of Adsense, his first earning was $40.

By this time, the simpleton engineering graduate had realized that he wanted to be his boss.

Knowing what he really wanted to pursue, Harsh quit his job of 6 months and developed a blogging business plan to take ShoutMeLoud to the next stage.

The choices were tough especially when he had to leave his full-time career path, but Harsh managed to convince his family.

A life changing accident, and that’s how things turned!

But seldom does life go on without challenges.

It was in 2009 that Harsh met with a fatal accident that damaged his foot severely.

He was put on bed rest by the doctor for six months.

With nothing else left to do, Harsh dedicated all of his time to reading and exploring credible works from other bloggers.

And that’s when his life changed.

The new learning and experience pushed him to find a new direction in his life.

Harsh Agarwal was now writing nearly 14 hours a day and learning new things.

Within four months of this experience, Harsh was earning double than his job salary.

Never looking back…

Growing and evolving is a part of life, and so was it for Harsh Agarwal.

Once he started making decent money out of blogging, harsh expanded his blog into a venture.

Taking inspiration from his current blog name, he set up his blogging company ShoutDreams.

The Master of Digital Marketing

Over the years Harsh has partnered with various bloggers and currently owns a couple of blogs successfully running under his venture.

Some of these are ShoutMeLoud, WPhostingDiscountShoutMeTechWPSutraCoinSutra etc.

Every bussing blogger can find inspiration in Harsh Agarwal through the medium of his story and experiences that he shares on his blog.

Some of the Useful material that you can find on ShoutMeLoud are:

  • Digital marketing tips for bloggers, freelancers & businesses.
    Guides on “How-To” of inbound marketing to increase traffic, sales & brand value of your website.
  • Exclusive deals & discounts on new tools.
  • The Affiliate Marketing Handbook & FREE WordPress eBook by Blog Scientist Harsh Agrawal that have more than 8K downloads so far!
  • You can also find a list of the top blogging tools recommended by Harsh here.

The Mind blowing Income report:

Harsh Agarwal has always been transparent about his earning so that people come to know how small changes on your website can impact it in a certain way.

The latest income reports from Harsh Agarwal blog ShoutMeLoud suggest that he earns 30 Lakhs (INR) per month. (3.6 Crore per Year)

It is thrice the amount that he could have made doing a 9 to 5 job.

And the benefit is not just concerning the money.

Harsh is now his boss and enjoys the flexibility of working and doing what he loves to do.

According to his latest income report June 2017, Harsh earned a total of $32,480 from his blog.

He also shares a breakdown of his income on his website ShoutMeLoud.

And apart from the earnings, a lot of readers on ShoutMeLoud are from countries like UK, Nigeria, Canada, Philippines, Pakistan, Australia, Bangladesh and Indonesia, making him a global icon.

His shares his income report regularly so that people understand that blogging is not just a hobby but a tool to be your boss and make unlimited money.

And the Award for the Blog of the year goes to…

Harsh inspires bloggers and businesses through his blogs.

He gets more than a million page views every month and impacts the lives of people positively.

ShoutMeLoud also won the best blogger of the year award for 2017 by Indiblogger.

It has also been featured in International media.

Harsh’s blog ShoutMeLoud has also received India’s best tech blog award for the year 2013.

Harsh has been popularly featured in YourStory, BloggeersPassion, Writersincharge along with SEMRush.


Interview with Professional Blogger Harsh Agrawal from Shoutmeloud.com


5 Tips from Harsh Agarwal that will inspire the blogger within you

Hard word over smart work:

Harsh insists on pursuing hard work over intelligent work.

There is no easy way to learning.

If you want to introduce something to your audience, you will have to learn and experiment it yourself.

Smart work may help you earn easy money, but hard work is the only tool that will help you finish the race.

Start right away:

There is no specific time to start your blog.

If you keep on waiting for a perfect time, you will already lose a lot of it.

Once you start, you will keep moving, and that’s how one finds their ways.

Find your writing style and be creative:

As you keep on writing, you will discover your writing style.

Share your experiences, how you improved from experimenting, what new things did you learn and a lot more.

That’s how you will develop a writing style. Scratch your creative instincts and reflect upon your thoughts.

Never blog for money:

With all these years of experience in blogging, Harsh Agarwal genuinely believes that one cannot pursue blogging for money.

You can connect with people only if you do it with your instincts.

Money can just be a motivation in the short term.

You can also learn about the top 3 blogging tips from Harsh for the complete success of your blog.

Spend time with yourself:

Spending time and introspecting is one of the most important necessities for a prolific writer.

You keep on writing day and night, but until you spend time in nourishing your mind and body, you won’t be able to come up with new ideas.

The journey of Harsh Agarwal from being a college student to a prolific and award-winning blogger is inspirational in every sense.

His love for writing and passion for creating something of his own pushed him to become what he is now.

You can also learn how to be a successful freelance writer from Harsh Agarwal.

Harsh Agarwal is currently the CEO of his venture ShoutDreams and now planning to expand it to build one of the largest communities of self bosses.

Victoria Galpereina, Head of Affiliate Marketing at SEM Rush has also praised Harsh Agarwal for being one of the super affiliates in SEMRush’s affiliate programs.

Are you a blogger like Harsh Agarwal?

Tell us what inspired you to pursue writing.


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